











First Private Astronaut Crew Returns to Earth from Space Station

April 27,2022





チームは宇宙船クルー・ドラゴンに乗ってISSまで往復しました。SpaceX社の車両は、月曜日にフロリダ州沖の大西洋に予定通り着水しました。SpaceX社は、チームを軌道に乗せたFalcon 9ロケットも提供しました。









米国商業有人宇宙船 クルードラゴンAx-1 (アクシオム・ミッション1:Axiom Mission 1)が、日本時間2022年4月9日(土)午前0時17分に、ケネディ宇宙センターからファルコン9ロケットで打ち上げられました。




This file photo provided by SpaceX shows the AXIOM crew seated in the Dragon spacecraft on Friday, April 8, 2022, in Cape Canaveral, Fla. (SpaceX via AP, File)
This file photo provided by SpaceX shows the AXIOM crew seated in the Dragon spacecraft on Friday, April 8, 2022, in Cape Canaveral, Fla. (SpaceX via AP, File)
2022年4月8日(金)、フロリダ州ケープカナベラルで、ドラゴン宇宙船に座るAXIOMクルーを撮影したSpaceX社提供のファイル写真。(SpaceX via AP, File)






アクシオンのオペレーション・ディレクターであるデレク・ハスマン氏は記者団に対し、「みんな元気そうだし、それなりにうまくいっている」と述べ、宇宙飛行士たちは "とても元気いっぱいだ "と話しました。


コナー氏は、この経験を "素晴らしいミッション "と呼びましだ。ロペス-アレグリア氏は、ISSでの”冒険”は想像以上に”長く、刺激的”だったと語りました。




The crew of Axiom’s Ax-1 mission to the International Space Station is shown in this undated photo. From left, Larry Connor, Michael Lopez-Alegria, Mark Pathy, Eytan Stibbe. (Image Courtesy: SpaceX/Axiom Space)
The crew of Axiom’s Ax-1 mission to the International Space Station is shown in this undated photo. From left, Larry Connor, Michael Lopez-Alegria, Mark Pathy, Eytan Stibbe. (Image Courtesy: SpaceX/Axiom Space)
アクシオン国際宇宙ステーションへのミッションAx-1のクルーは、この未公開写真に写っている。左から、ラリー・コナー、マイケル・ロペス-アレグリア、マーク・パシー、エイタン・スティッブ。(画像提供:SpaceX/Axiom Space)




「我々は、軌道上で効果的かつ生産的になる方法でクルーを準備できることを証明しました 。」とハスマン氏は言います。「地球低軌道に到達するための新しい道があることを世界に示したのです。」









First Private Astronaut Crew Returns to Earth from Space Station
In this image from infrared video provided by SpaceX, the Dragon space capsule uses parachutes as it descends to the Atlantic Ocean off the Florida coast on Monday, April 25, 2022. (SpaceX via AP)

The first private astronaut crew to visit the International Space Station (ISS) has returned safely to Earth.

The team flew to the ISS and back on the spaceship Crew Dragon. The SpaceX company vehicle landed as planned in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Florida on Monday. SpaceX also provided the Falcon 9 rocket that carried the team to orbit.

The return to Earth marked the end of a two-week science mission aboard the ISS. The flight was the first to be organized and operated by a private company involving a completely commercial astronaut crew.

“Welcome back to planet Earth," SpaceX Mission Control said in a radio message to the crew. “We hope you enjoyed the extra few days in space.”

The ISS mission was supposed to last just over a week. But weather conditions kept the crew in space for more than two weeks.

Before departing the space station on Sunday night, the group thanked their seven ISS hosts, including three NASA astronauts whose own mission will end soon.

The crew was led by Michael Lopez-Alegria, a retired astronaut for the American space agency NASA. He now works as the vice president of Axiom Space, which organized and operated the ISS mission.

This file photo provided by SpaceX shows the AXIOM crew seated in the Dragon spacecraft on Friday, April 8, 2022, in Cape Canaveral, Fla. (SpaceX via AP, File)
This file photo provided by SpaceX shows the AXIOM crew seated in the Dragon spacecraft on Friday, April 8, 2022, in Cape Canaveral, Fla. (SpaceX via AP, File)

The 63-year-old Lopez-Alegria was described as the mission commander. He was joined by the mission pilot, Larry Conner, a 72-year-old businessman and private pilot from Ohio. The other members were 64-year-old Israeli man Eytan Stibbe, a fighter pilot and 52-year-old Mark Pathy, a Canadian businessman. Stibbe and Pathy served as mission specialists.

After being helped out of the capsule, the crew members were picked up by a recovery ship and given a quick health examine. The team was then flown to NASA in Florida for more detailed medical check-ups.

"Everybody looks great and is doing reasonably well," Axiom operations director Derek Hassmann told reporters. He described the astronauts as being "in great spirits."

Connor called the experience an “amazing mission.” Lopez-Alegria said his “adventure” aboard the ISS was “even longer and more exciting” than he imagined it would be.

Pathy said the mission was “eye-opening in so many ways,” and would surely have “a lasting impact on my life.”

The crew of Axiom’s Ax-1 mission to the International Space Station is shown in this undated photo. From left, Larry Connor, Michael Lopez-Alegria, Mark Pathy, Eytan Stibbe. (Image Courtesy: SpaceX/Axiom Space)
The crew of Axiom’s Ax-1 mission to the International Space Station is shown in this undated photo. From left, Larry Connor, Michael Lopez-Alegria, Mark Pathy, Eytan Stibbe. (Image Courtesy: SpaceX/Axiom Space)

The mission was praised by Axiom, NASA and industry officials as a turning point in the latest expansion of commercial space activities.

"We proved that we can prepare the crew in a way that makes them effective and productive on orbit," Hassmann said. "What it demonstrates to the world is that there is a new avenue to get to low-Earth orbit."

In the past, the ISS has accepted some visits by private citizens. But the latest mission marked the first all-commercial team of astronauts sent to use the station as an orbiting laboratory. The crew brought 25 science and biomedical experiments with them to carry out in orbit.

It was the sixth human spaceflight for SpaceX in nearly two years. The company has a contract to fly three more Axiom astronaut missions to the ISS over the next two years. Axiom’s second flight is planned for next spring.




Words in This Story

mission – n. an important project or trip, especially involving space travel

commercial – adj. related to buying and selling things

host – n. a person who organizes a party or special event

for guests

amazing – adj. very surprising

adventure – n. an exciting and sometimes dangerous experience

impact – n. the effect that a person, event or situation has on someone or something

avenue – n. a possible way of doing or achieving something








最終更新 2022.04.15|最終更新 2022.04.26


Ax-1ミッションは、NASAの承認を得て2020年3月に締結されたアクシオム・スペース(Axiom Space)社とスペースX社の間の契約で実施される民間ミッションです。2021年6月にはAx-2, 3, 4と3回の追加ミッションの契約も締結されています。アクシオム・スペース社は、民間宇宙飛行士により宇宙ステーションへの様々なミッションを行うことができるように、事前にNASAと大規模な契約を結んでいます。この契約は、訓練、食料、運用管理を含む包括的なもので、経験豊富な宇宙飛行士が指揮を執り、クルーが希望する科学研究や教育プログラムを中心に構成されます。

