




参照:月周回衛星「かぐや(SELENE)」 - セレーネの科学 - 「かぐや」の成果



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Chinese Spacecraft Collects Samples from Far Side of Moon

This China National Space Administration (CNSA) handout image released by Xinhua News Agency, shows the lander-ascender combination of Chang'e-6 probe taken by a mini rover after it landed on the moon surface, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. (CNSA/Xinhua via AP)
This China National Space Administration (CNSA) handout image released by Xinhua News Agency, shows the lander-ascender combination of Chang'e-6 probe taken by a mini rover after it landed on the moon surface, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. (CNSA/Xinhua via AP)



Chinese space officials say a spacecraft has successfully collected samples from the moon and is headed back toward Earth.

The unmanned spacecraft, called Chang’e-6, touched down on the lunar surface on Sunday. It launched May 3 from a Chinese space center in southern China and was carried to space aboard a Long March 5 rocket.

Space officials and Chinese media said the spacecraft landed in an area of the moon’s South Pole, called the Aitken Basin. This area is known as the far side of the moon because it permanently faces away from Earth.

NASA describes the Aitken Basin as the largest impact basin on the lunar surface. The distance from the basin’s lower depths to its highest points is estimated to be over 15 kilometers. That is nearly twice the height of Earth’s tallest mountain, Mount Everest.

In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, technical personnel work at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC) in Beijing, Sunday, June 2, 2024.(Jin Liwang/Xinhua via AP)
In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, technical personnel work at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC) in Beijing, Sunday, June 2, 2024.(Jin Liwang/Xinhua via AP)

Controllers back on Earth then directed the space vehicle to use its drilling equipment and other tools to capture soil and rock samples. Space officials said earlier that Chang’e-6 was expected to collect up to two kilograms of soil and rock samples.

The collection operation was completed by Monday. Then on Tuesday, the spacecraft lifted off from the lunar surface carrying the samples on the trip back to Earth. The Beijing Daily newspaper reported the spacecraft displayed China’s national flag at the spot where the samples were collected.

China’s National Space Administration said in a statement that Chang’e-6’s success showed it was able to survive “the test of high temperature on the far side of the moon.”

After launching from the lunar surface, the spacecraft was to link up with another spacecraft currently orbiting the moon. The samples would then be passed to another spacecraft designed to transport the material to Earth for study. Space officials said the planned landing is expected to take place around June 25.

In this China National Space Administration (CNSA) handout image released by Xinhua News Agency, a Chinese national flag carried by the lander of Chang'e-6 probe unfurls at the moon's far side, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. (CNSA/Xinhua via AP)
In this China National Space Administration (CNSA) handout image released by Xinhua News Agency, a Chinese national flag carried by the lander of Chang'e-6 probe unfurls at the moon's far side, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. (CNSA/Xinhua via AP)

It is not the first time a Chinese spacecraft has collected material from the lunar surface. The country’s Chang'e 5 spacecraft traveled to the moon in late 2020. It successfully brought back about two kilograms of moon rocks and dust.

That mission was carried out in an area known as Oceanus Procellarum. It sits on the western edge of the near side of the moon. That area is believed to have had intense volcanic activity in ancient times.

But if the second Chinese collection attempt is successful, it will be the first time lunar samples from the far side of the moon have made it to Earth.

China is the third nation to successfully collect lunar samples, following the United States and the Soviet Union. The last such mission happened in 1976, when an unmanned Soviet spacecraft collected 170 grams of moon material.

This image released by China's National Space Administration shows a moon surface taken by a panoramic camera aboard the lander-ascender combination of Chang'e-6 spacecraft after it landed on the moon, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. (CNSA/Xinhua via AP)
This image released by China's National Space Administration shows a moon surface taken by a panoramic camera aboard the lander-ascender combination of Chang'e-6 spacecraft after it landed on the moon, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. (CNSA/Xinhua via AP)

America’s Apollo program - which first put humans on the moon - landed 12 astronauts over six flights from 1969 to 1972. Those missions resulted in astronauts collecting about 382 kilograms of rocks and soil.

Missions to the moon’s far side are more difficult because the area faces away from Earth. This requires the use of a special satellite to establish and keep communications. The terrain is also more difficult to explore, with fewer flat areas to land.

China has additional unmanned lunar missions planned as well. In 2026, the country’s Chang'e-7 spacecraft will aim to further explore the south polar area, including searching for water ice.

Then in 2028, Chang'e-8 will carry out a series of experiments in preparation for building a long-term science base on the moon. China has said it aims to put its astronauts on the moon by 2030.



Words in This Story

sample – n. a small amount of something that gives you information about the thing it was taken from

basin – n. a wide area of land that is more or less round in shape and lower than its surroundings

impact – n. the force or action of one object hitting another

drill – v. to use a tool or machine to make holes in a hard substance

terrain – n. a particular kind of land






This China National Space Administration (CNSA) handout image released by Xinhua News Agency, shows the lander-ascender combination of Chang'e-6 probe taken by a mini rover after it landed on the moon surface, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. (CNSA/Xinhua via AP)
 Xinhuazɪnhjuʌ】News Agenc シンホアトンシュンシェー新華社通信)が公開した中国宇宙局(CNSA)の配布画像。2024年6月4日火曜日、月面に着陸したChang'e-6 チャン・ウー6(嫦娥6号)がミニ探査機によって撮影された着陸機と上昇機の組み合わせ。(CNSA/Xinhua via AP)
中国の宇宙当局によると、宇宙船が月面からのサンプル採取に成功し、地球に向かっていると言います。 チャン・ウー6 嫦娥6号と呼ばれる無人宇宙船は、日曜日に月面に着陸しました。嫦娥6号は5月3日に中国南部にある中国の宇宙センターから打ち上げられ、ロング・マーチ 長征5号ロケットで宇宙に運ばれました。 宇宙当局と中国メディアによると、探査機は月の南極のAitken Basinエイトケン盆地と呼ばれる地域に着陸しました。この地域は永久に地球から背を向けているため、月の裏側として知られています。 NASAは、エイトケン盆地を月面で最大の衝突盆地と説明しています。盆地の最深部から最高地点までの距離は15km以上と推定されています。これは、地球で最も高い山であるエベレストの2倍近い高さです。 
In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, technical personnel work at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC) in Beijing, Sunday, June 2, 2024.(Jin Liwang/Xinhua via AP)

地球に戻った管制官は、探査機に掘削装置やその他の道具を使って土壌や岩石のサンプルを採取するよう指示しました。宇宙当局は、嫦娥6号は最大2キログラムの土壌と岩石のサンプルを採取する見込みだと言っていました。 採取作業は月曜日までに完了しました。そして火曜日に、宇宙船は地球への帰路にサンプルを乗せて月面を離陸しました。Beijing Daily newspaper北京日報紙は、宇宙船はサンプル採取地点で中国の国旗を掲げたと報じました。 中国国家宇宙局は声明で、嫦娥6号の成功は”月の裏側での高温のテスト”に耐えることができたことを示していると述べてます。 月表面からの打ち上げ後、探査機は現在月を周回している別の探査機と連結することになっていました。サンプルはその後、研究のために地球に物質を輸送するために設計された別の宇宙船に渡されます。宇宙関係者によると、予定されている着陸は6月25日頃に行われる見込みだと言います。 
In this China National Space Administration (CNSA) handout image released by Xinhua News Agency, a Chinese national flag carried by the lander of Chang'e-6 probe unfurls at the moon's far side, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. (CNSA/Xinhua via AP)
新華社通信が公開した中国宇宙局(CNSA)の配布画像で、2024年6月4日(火)、嫦娥6号の着陸船が月の裏側で広げる中国国旗(CNSA/Xinhua via AP)
中国の探査機が月面の物質を採取するのはこれが初めてではありません。中国の宇宙船 嫦娥5号は2020年後半に月へ行きました。嫦娥5号は約2キログラムの月の石と塵を持ち帰ることに成功しました。 そのミッションは、オシエナス・プロセララムOceanus Procellarum(嵐の太陽)として知られる地域で実施されました。月の裏側の西端に位置します。その地域は古代に激しい火山活動があったと考えられています。 しかし、もし中国による2回目の採取が成功すれば、月の裏側から採取された月サンプルが地球に届くのは初めてのことになります。 中国が月のサンプル採取に成功したのは、アメリカ、ソ連に続いて3カ国目です。前回のミッションは1976年で、ソ連無人探査機が170グラムの月サンプルを採取しました。 
This image released by China's National Space Administration shows a moon surface taken by a panoramic camera aboard the lander-ascender combination of Chang'e-6 spacecraft after it landed on the moon, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. (CNSA/Xinhua via AP)
2024年6月4日火曜日、中国国家宇宙局が公開したこの画像は、嫦娥6号が月に着陸した後、嫦娥6号着陸船と嫦娥6号着陸船の組み合わせに搭載されたパノラマカメラによって撮影された月面を示している。(CNSA/Xinhua via AP)