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ダメージを受けた各国航空会社、良い案で大歓迎 ♬(^^♪
海外旅行者 にはCOVID-19 ワクチン接収が必要になる可能性
COVID-19 Vaccine May Be Required for International Travelers
November 27, 2020
アラン・ジョイス氏は、オーストラリア最大の航空会社カンタス航空の責任者です。彼は、COVID-19 ワクチンが広く利用可能になれば、責任者である彼は、乗客にオーストラリアを離陸するか、または着陸する前に、それを使用するようを要求する可能性が高いと述べています。
ジョイス氏は、国際的な旅行者のための "予防接種のパスポート" を作成する可能性について、世界中の他の航空会社の関係者に話していると語っています。
「我々は、外国人旅行者のために我々の条件を変更することを検討しています、飛行機に乗る前に予防接種するよう求めるということです。」と ジョイス氏はオーストラリアのネットワーク9 テレビに語っています。
大韓航空はいくつかの可能性を検討している一方、チョン氏は会社や他の航空会社による変更は、政府との協力的な努力であるべきであると述べています。 「これは航空会社が独自に決定するものではありません。」 と彼女は言っています。
ニュージーランド航空からの声明は、それが "いつ、どのように国境を再開することが安全である” か決定することは政府次第であることに同意しています。同社は、この問題について政府役人と密接に働き続けていると言っています。
COVID-19 Vaccine May Be Required for International Travelers
November 27, 2020
Airline companies say COVID-19 vaccines may become a requirement for international travelers.
The requirement could help air carriers increase international travel after worldwide slowdowns caused by the coronavirus crisis.
Promising news about vaccine development has given airlines and nations hope that they may soon be able to restart suspended flights. But some countries, especially in Asia and the Pacific, do not want their hard-fought gains against the virus to disappear.
Alan Joyce is head of Australia’s largest airline, Qantas. He said that once a COVID-19 vaccine is widely available, his carrier will likely require passengers to use it before they leave or land in Australia.
Joyce said he has been talking to officials at other airlines around the world about the possibility of creating a “vaccination passport” for international travelers.
“We are looking at changing our terms and conditions to say for international travelers, that we will ask people to have the vaccination before they get on the aircraft,” Joyce told Australia's Network Nine television.
He said they were looking at ways to electronically confirm that people have the necessary vaccine for their planned destination.
South Korea's largest airline has a similar message.
Korean Air spokeswoman Jill Chung says there is a real possibility that airlines will require that passengers be vaccinated. She said that is because governments are likely to require vaccinations as a condition for lifting quarantine rules for new arrivals.
While Korean Air is reviewing several possibilities, Chung said any change by the company or other airlines should be a cooperative effort with governments. “This is not something for airlines to independently decide,” she said.
A statement from Air New Zealand agreed it is up to governments to decide “when and how it is safe to reopen borders.” The airline said it was continuing to work closely with government officials on the issue.
Australia, South Korea and New Zealand have all been able to successfully limit the spread of the virus. A big part of their containment efforts have centered on keeping infected people out.
Australia has enforced some of the most severe border restrictions in the world since the pandemic began. It has closed its borders to most international visitors and permitted its own citizens to travel internationally only in special cases. New Zealand has also closed its borders, while South Korea has required a two-week quarantine on all arriving passengers.
Australia, with 26 million people, has reported about 900 deaths since the pandemic began, fewer than many nations its size. South Korea, with 51 million people, has reported a little over 500 deaths. And New Zealand, a nation of 5 million people, has reported just 25 deaths.
Words in This Story
destination – n. a place where someone plans to go
quarantine – n. the period of time during which a person or animal that has a disease or that might have a disease is kept away from others to prevent the disease from spreading