


朗報ですね!! 人間のみならず、家禽類に直接投与するワクチンを開発には大いに期待するところです。





ワクチンメーカーが  '万が一' に備えて鳥インフルエンザの予防接種を準備(和訳)

Vaccine Makers Prepare Bird Flu Shots ‘Just in Case’

2023 March 21





鳥インフルエンザ(Bird flu= avian flu)は、正式にはH5N1として知られています。このウイルスは通常、さまざまな種類の家禽の間で広がります。人間への感染は非常にまれです。しかし、ほとんどの人間の症例は、感染した鳥との直接の接触に関連しています。






大手ワクチンメーカー3社の関係者は、ロイター通信に、新しい鳥インフルエンザの変異種から守るためのワクチンをすでに開発し、テストの準備をしていると話しています。その中には、英国のGSKとCSL Seqirus、そして米国を拠点とするモデルナが含まれています。他のワクチンメーカーはロイターに対し、必要であれば鳥インフルエンザの生産活動を開始する”準備が整っている”と述べています。










リチャード・ハチェット博士は、ワクチン研究に資金を提供する団体Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations(CEPI)の最高責任者です。同氏はロイターに対し、鳥インフルエンザがヒトで発生する可能性がある場合、COVID-19のパンデミック時よりもさらに大きな”買い占めやワクチンのナショナリズム(一部の国によってワクチン供給が独占されること)”につながる可能性があると述べています。




WHOは、14のメーカーとパンデミックインフルエンザワクチンの10%について、法的な裏付けのある協定を結んだと発表しています。この協定では、ワクチンは寄付されたものとWHOが購入するものとを混合して提供されることになっています。この協定には、GSK、Sanofi、CSL Seqirusといった季節性インフルエンザの大手メーカー6社が含まれているとWHOは述べています。








Vaccine Makers Prepare Bird Flu Shots ‘Just in Case’

Ducks eat along the shore of Snoa village farm outside Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2023. (AP Photo/Heng Sinith)

Some of the world’s leading vaccine makers are developing bird flu shots to prepare for possible outbreaks of the sickness in humans.

Bird flu, or avian flu, is officially known as H5N1. The virus usually spreads among different kinds of poultry. Human infections remain very rare. But most human cases have been linked to direct contact with infected birds.

Now, several large vaccine developers are working on bird flu vaccines to prepare for the possibility that the virus could one day jump to humans.

One current outbreak involves an avian flu version that has already killed record numbers of birds and some other infected animals.

Officials at three major vaccine manufacturers told Reuters news agency they are already developing and preparing to test vaccines to protect against new bird flu variants. The companies include Britain’s GSK and CSL Seqirus and U.S.-based Moderna. Other vaccine makers told Reuters they “stand ready” to begin production efforts for bird flu if necessary.

In addition, there has been a push among companies to develop a vaccine to be given directly to poultry. Such a market could be much larger than the one for humans.

Vaccine company officials told Reuters that hundreds of millions of bird flu shots could be manufactured within months if a new variant of the virus starts spreading among humans.

Health experts have noted, however, that most new vaccine treatments for avian flu would be set aside for wealthy nations that already have existing contracts with shot makers.

Many countries have pandemic plans in place that call for giving vaccines to the most vulnerable people first while supplies are limited. But during COVID-19, many vaccine-rich countries vaccinated large parts of their populations before considering sharing shots.

Dr. Richard Hatchett is chief executive of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), an organization that helps finance vaccine research. He told Reuters that possible human bird flu outbreaks could lead to even greater “hoarding and vaccine nationalism” than during the COVID-19 pandemic.

An international agreement covering pandemic flu sets aside 10 percent of worldwide supply for the World Health Organization to share with low- and middle-income countries. But after the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO has sought guarantees of 20 percent of the worldwide supply for use in other pandemics.

The WHO says it has signed legally-backed agreements with 14 manufacturers for 10 percent of their pandemic flu vaccine. The agreements call for the vaccines to be provided as a mix of donated shots and those to be bought by the WHO. The agreements include six of the largest seasonal flu manufacturers, such as GSK, Sanofi and CSL Seqirus, the WHO said.

The WHO did not comment on possible vaccine hoarding during a flu pandemic. But it said policies were being developed “so that countries can work together – not in competition with each other” to respond to such a crisis. The WHO said it was “fully confident” that manufacturers and member states would follow the policies.






Words in This Story

poultry – n. chickens and other birds that people breed for meat and eggs

vulnerable – adj. able to be hurt or at risk of being harmed

hoard – v. to collect and store a large supply of something, often secretly

confident – adj. sure about your ability to do things well