












New Technologies Created in 2020 to Fight COVID-19

1 hour ago /2020/12/31











Hackathon’ solutions ’ハッカソン’ソリューション

 The three winners of the CodeTheCurve hackathon challenge are shown. From left, Joaquin Lopez Herraiz from the X-COV team; Ali Serag, leader of COVIDImpact; and Christy Xie, from team VRoam. (Photos: CodeTheCurve/Facebook)





若者のためのCodeTheCurveの ’hackathon ハッカソン’ は、新型コロナウイルスが原因の病気COVID-19に対処するためのいくつかの可能性のある新しい方法を導き出しました。このイベントの主催者には、国連、アメリカのテクノロジー企業IBM、ヨーロッパのソフトウェア企業SAPなどが名を連ねています。






Wearable devices like the Oura fitness tracker, seen here, are being used to monitor symptoms that could predict infection of COVID-19. (Oura) ここで見られるOuraフィットネストラッカーのようなウェアラブルバイスは、COVID-19の感染を予測できる症状をモニターするために使用されている。(Oura)







’ス マート’ファイスマスク


Japanese startup Donut Robotics' CEO Taisuke Ono shows the c-mask and its mobile phone application during a demonstration in Tokyo, Japan June 23, 2020. (REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon)

日本のスタートアップDonut Roboticsの小野泰介CEOは、2020年6月23日に東京で行われたデモの際、c-maskとその携帯電話アプリを見せています。(REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon)


 日本の企業が、顔を覆っている人のコミュニケーションを改善することを目的とした”スマート”マスクを作りました。ドーナツロボティクス社はその発明を "c-mask "と呼んでいます。 これは、一般の人々が一般的に着用している他の種類のフェイスマスクの上に装着します。









A health worker takes a nasal swab sample for a COVID-19 test, provided for free by the municipal government in Bogota, Colombia, Oct. 16, 2020.


















 CodeTheCurve hackathon challenge


Organised in partnership with IBM and SAP, the CodeTheCurve Hackathon calls young developers and innovators to use their digital skills, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit to join forces to inspire and develop digital solutions to current and future pandemia-challenges.

CodeTheCurve is organized around three main themes:

  • Ensure continued learning
  • Data management and information
  • The present and the future: societal and health issues





CodeTheCurve Hackathon - Teaser




What’s CodeTheCurve?

The UNESCO CodeTheCurve global virtual hackathon is designed to enable students, educators, teachers, and the research community to build tech skills, entrepreneurial spirit, and professional competencies with a lens on digital creativity and cooperation to mobilize the world.

CodeTheCurve aims to inspire youth with new skills in a virtual, immersive environment in collaboration with other students, experts, and mentors, while creating deployable solutions and digital prototypes prepared by citizen developers, data scientists, and innovators with youth at the center. The CodeTheCurve learning and hackathon journey will be practical, hands-on, and a ton of virtual fun.

UNESCO CodeTheCurveグローバルバーチャルハッカソンは、学生、教育者、教師、研究コミュニティが、世界を動員するためのデジタル創造性と協力についてのレンズを持ち、技術的スキル、起業家精神、専門的能力を構築できるように設計されています。


Who are the participants?

Anyone is invited to gather a crew of developers, data scientists, and friends from other fields (educators, teachers, and researchers), pull together a gender-inclusive group with no more than six participants, and make sure there’s at least one person under the age of 25 in your team (min. age 16). All teams must have at least one female and one male.

The collaborators from CodeTheCurve will select 40 teams to participate in the immersive learning and hackathon journey.

If a team does not get selected in the top 40, for many there will still be the opportunity to showcase their skills and perhaps get engaged in one of the 40 selected teams. More information on that will be shared later on.

To participate in a hackathon there are different profiles needed: the four Hs of a hackathon: It takes hackers (developers and data scientists), hustlers (program and project managers), hipsters (creative designers and marketers), and humanitarians (industry experts).





Skills required

Participating teams should have at least one developer and/or one person with basic data science skills. Programming skills can include Python, Java, HTML, and/or the ability to use App Inventor or Power Apps — along with the other technical skills that you individually bring to the team. And at least one member of the team must have basic Linux and Jupyter Notebook experience.

Thanks to the partners, participants will receive free access to IBM LinuxONE Community Cloud, which will provide participants with open access to an enterprise-grade Linux environment for your development needs — innovation powered by open source technology.

参加するチームには、少なくとも1人の開発者および/または基本的なデータサイエンスのスキルを持つ人が必要です。プログラミングスキルには、PythonJava、HTML、および/またはApp InventorやPower Appsを使用できる能力が含まれます。また、チームのメンバーのうち少なくとも1人は、LinuxとJupyter Notebookの基本的な経験を持っている必要があります。

パートナーの皆様のおかげで、参加者の皆様にはIBM LinuxONE Community Cloudへの無料アクセスが提供され、開発ニーズに合わせたエンタープライズグレードのLinux環境、つまりオープンソース技術を活用したイノベーションへのオープンアクセスが提供されます。





New Technologies Created in 2020 to Fight COVID-19

Staff members of the Italian start-up Isinnova show valves produced with a 3D printer for hospitals near the northern Italian city of Brescia, in Chiari Italy, on March 15, 2020. (CRISTIAN FRACASSI/Handout via REUTERS)


The COVID-19 pandemic affected many industries across the world in 2020. Many companies faced severe economic difficulties related to the worldwide spread of the new coronavirus. But, some were able to develop new technologies to help fight the disease in an effort to improve people’s lives.

3D printed oxygen valves

One of the first companies we reported on related to the pandemic developed a 3D printer to quickly produce oxygen valves to treat COVID-19 patients.

The new Italian company Isinnova found a way to use its 3D printing equipment to copy the medical devices. Valves are used to connect oxygen to patients suffering from breathing problems. The company produced the life-saving equipment for free after it learned many Italian hospitals faced a serious shortage of valves.

The three winners of the CodeTheCurve hackathon challenge are shown. From left, Joaquin Lopez Herraiz from the X-COV team; Ali Serag, leader of COVIDImpact; and Christy Xie, from team VRoam. (Photos: CodeTheCurve/Facebook)
The three winners of the CodeTheCurve hackathon challenge are shown. From left, Joaquin Lopez Herraiz from the X-COV team; Ali Serag, leader of COVIDImpact; and Christy Xie, from team VRoam. (Photos: CodeTheCurve/Facebook)


Hackathon’ solutions

The CodeTheCurve ‘hackathon’ for young people led to several possible new ways to deal with COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus. The event’s organizers included the United Nations, American technology company IBM and European software business SAP.

One of the winning teams created a system that uses machine learning and picture technology to examine chest X-rays to identify the most severe COVID-19 patients. Another team developed an app that uses virtual reality to let users explore different places around the world while exercising from home.

Wearable devices like the Oura fitness tracker, seen here, are being used to monitor symptoms that could predict infection of COVID-19. (Oura)
Wearable devices like the Oura fitness tracker, seen here, are being used to monitor symptoms that could predict infection of COVID-19. (Oura)


Wearable technology research

Several companies studied the effectiveness of wearable devices to identify early signs of COVID-19.

Researchers at America’s West Virginia University reported in May a device they tested was able to identify COVID-19 signs up to three days before people started to experience them.

Another research project, carried out by the California-based Scripps Research Institute, examined data from devices worn by more than 30,000 volunteers. Researchers said their early results showed the devices could successfully identify people who had no signs of COVID-19 but were still infectious.

Japanese startup Donut Robotics' CEO Taisuke Ono shows the c-mask and its mobile phone application during a demonstration in Tokyo, Japan June 23, 2020. (REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon)
Japanese startup Donut Robotics' CEO Taisuke Ono shows the c-mask and its mobile phone application during a demonstration in Tokyo, Japan June 23, 2020. (REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon)


‘Smart’ face mask

A Japanese company created a “smart” mask that aims to improve communication for people wearing face coverings. Donut Robotics calls its invention the “c-mask.” It is meant to fit over other kinds of face masks commonly worn by the public.

The mask is made of soft plastic material and contains a built-in microphone. When it is turned on, the mask uses Bluetooth technology to connect to a mobile device.

An app then helps users perform several actions, including turning speech into written text, completing telephone calls and making the user’s voice louder. The device can also translate a person’s voice from Japanese into eight other languages.

A health worker takes a nasal swab sample for a COVID-19 test, provided for free by the municipal government in Bogota, Colombia, Oct. 16, 2020.
A health worker takes a nasal swab sample for a COVID-19 test, provided for free by the municipal government in Bogota, Colombia, Oct. 16, 2020.

Machine learning to identify COVID-19

Researchers reported success with machine learning systems designed to identify COVID-19 cases by the sounds of a person’s cough. Machine learning describes computer technology that improves itself through a process similar to human learning.

One study, by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), showed a high success rate in identifying COVID-19 in people who had no physical signs of the disease.

A team at Pennsylvania’s Carnegie Mellon University has used similar methods to develop a “voice-based testing system for COVID-19.” That system uses recordings of coughs – as well as some vowel sounds and the alphabet – to identify “signatures” of the disease.

3D printed coronavirus model and Google logo are placed near an Apple Macbook Pro in this illustration taken April 12, 2020. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration
3D printed coronavirus model and Google logo are placed near an Apple Macbook Pro in this illustration taken April 12, 2020. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration


Contact tracing apps

Apple and Google cooperated to launch a mobile phone tool to follow the contacts of people infected with coronavirus. The technology became the basis for apps developed by U.S. states and several nations to carry out contact tracing.

The system operates with Bluetooth wireless technology, which permits devices near each other to exchange information and create a record. If a device user becomes infected with the virus and agrees to share that information, the record is used to inform other people that they also might have been infected.