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China Asks Citizens to Store Necessities ahead of Cold Weather



China’s commerce ministry 中国商務省は、緊急時に備えて生活必需品を蓄えておくよう家庭に呼びかけています。COVID-19の発生や異常な大雨の影響で野菜の価格が上昇し、供給不足が懸念されています。



The Economic Daily newspaper 経済日報は、"過剰な想像をしないように"と伝えています。同紙は、今回の命令の目的は、自分の住んでいる地域でロックダウンが行われても、市民が驚かないようにするためだと付け加えています。

The People's Daily 人民日報によると、同省は毎年このような声明を出しているといいます。同省は今年初めにも、自然災害や野菜価格の上昇、最近のCOVID-19事案などを理由に同様の発表を行っています。





ここ数日は価格が緩和されています。しかし、エコノミストは、10月のconsumer price inflation 消費者物価上昇率は昨年に比べて大きく上昇すると予想しています。



State television 国営テレビは先日、中国は野菜の価格上昇に対処するため、”適切な時期に”野菜の備蓄を放出する計画であると報じました。中国がどのような野菜を備蓄しているのか、またその備蓄量がどの程度なのかは明らかになっていません。






China Asks Citizens to Store Necessities ahead of Cold Weather
This photo taken on November 1, 2021 shows a resident buying vegetables at a market in Nanning, in China's southern Guangxi region. (Photo by AFP)

China’s commerce ministry has told families to keep a store of daily necessities in case of emergencies. COVID-19 outbreaks and unusually heavy rains caused an increase in vegetable prices, which has raised concerns about supply shortages.

Local media recently published lists of goods to store at home, including hard breads and instant noodles, vitamins, radios and flashlights.

Some Chinese citizens placed comments on social media that expressed fears of food shortages. Earlier this week, state media tried to ease those fears and further explain the ministry's statement.

The Economic Daily newspaper told people not to have "too much of an overactive imagination." The newspaper added that the purpose of the order was to make sure citizens were not surprised if there was a lockdown in their area.

The People's Daily said the ministry makes such statements every year. The ministry made a similar announcement earlier this year because of natural disasters, the increase in vegetable prices and recent COVID-19 cases.

The ministry's statement this week urged local officials to do a good job in ensuring food supplies and fixed prices. The statement also urged officials to give early warnings of any supply problems.

The government usually makes extra efforts to increase fresh vegetable and pork supplies before the Lunar New Year, China's most important holiday. The Lunar New Year date in 2022 falls in early February.

But this year, those efforts have become more urgent after extreme weather in early October destroyed crops in Shandong, the country's biggest vegetable growing area. Outbreaks of COVID-19 cases stretching from the northwest to the northeast of the country also threaten food supplies.

Last week, prices of cucumbers, spinach and broccoli had more than doubled from early October.

Prices have eased in recent days. But economists expect a major increase in consumer price inflation for October compared to last year.

The pandemic has caused an increased concern about food security. The government has written a food security law and is planning new efforts to stop food waste.

The commerce ministry said local officials should buy vegetables that can be stored for long periods of time and strengthen emergency food distribution systems. Information about prices and supply and demand of goods should be released in a timely manner to ease people's expectations, it added.

State television reported recently that China also plans to release vegetable reserves "at an appropriate time" to deal with rising prices. It is not clear which vegetables China holds in reserves and how big those reserves are.

The report added that the state planning body has called for the timely replanting of vegetables and urged local governments to support fast-growing produce.



Words in This Story


flashlight – n. a small electric light that can be carried in your hand and that runs on batteries​

commerce - n. activities that relate to the buying and selling of goods and services

consumer – n. a person who buys goods and services​

reserves – n. a supply of something that is stored so that it can be used at a later time​






supply shortages:供給不足

food shortages:食糧不足

supply problems:供給問題

consumer price inflation:消費者物価上昇率



self -sufficiency in food/food self-sufficiency rate:食糧自給率

the state of the economy/business/condition:景気

   They’re moving upward.景気がいい。

   They’re declining。景気が悪い


income gap:所得格差





