

Oh, no!! How cute killer they are!!

”Felis catus”が家猫の学名だなんて、初めて知りました。





FILE - Some scientists in Poland claim that cats kill millions of birds every year.

invasive alien species:特定外来生物・侵略的外来生物










Polish Institute Says Cats Are ‘Alien Invasive Species’

July 30,2022 



ポーランドの権威ある科学研究所が、一般的な家猫を "侵略的外来種 "に分類しました。この研究所は、猫が鳥や他の野生生物に被害を与えることを理由に、この分類を行いました。






彼は、フェリス・キャタスがデータベースに追加された後の世間の反応に驚いていると言います。Felis catusフェリス・キャトゥスは、家猫の学名です。










独立放送局TVNが最近放映したテレビ番組で、ソラーツ氏はこの問題についてある獣医師と討論しました。その獣医師、つまり動物のお医者さんはドロタ・スミンスカ氏です。彼女はThe Happy Cat幸せな猫という本の著者です。










また、猫を”外来種”とすることについて、同研究所は、Felis catusは約1万年前に中東の古代文明によって家畜化されたと指摘しています。つまり、科学的な見地からは、猫はヨーロッパ原産ではないことになります。









Polish Institute Says Cats Are ‘Alien Invasive Species’

FILE - Some scientists in Poland claim that cats kill millions of birds every year.

A respected Polish scientific institute has classified common house cats as “invasive alien species.” The institute did this because of the damage cats cause to birds and other wildlife.

Some cat lovers have reacted emotionally to the decision. The strong reactions have put the main scientist behind the decision on the defensive.

Wojciech Solarz is a biologist at the state-run Polish Academy of Sciences. The academy’s Institute of Nature Conservation runs a database of invasive alien species.

He said he was surprised by the public reaction following the addition of Felis catus in the database. Felis catus is the scientific name for the common house cat.

The database already had 1,786 other species listed with no objections, Solarz told The Associated Press on Tuesday.

The public anger, he said, may have come from the media. Some media reports may have misinformed people that the institute is calling for wild and domestic cats to be killed.

Solarz described the growing scientific belief that domestic cats harm biodiversity. This is because of the number of birds and mammals that cats hunt and kill.

The criteria for including the cat among alien invasive species, “are 100% met by the cat,” he said.

On a recent television show aired by independent broadcaster TVN, Solarz debated a veterinarian on the issue. The veterinarian, or animal doctor, was Dorota Suminska. She is the writer of a book called The Happy Cat.

She challenged Solarz’s belief that cats are dangerous to wildlife. She pointed to other causes of decreasing biodiversity. These causes include a polluted environment and city buildings that can kill birds in flight.

“Ask if man is on the list of non-invasive alien species,” Suminska said. She argued that cats were being unfairly blamed.

Solarz argued that cats kill about 140 million birds in Poland each year.

The Polish Academy institute published a post on its website seeking to clear up its position on the issue. The institute said it was “opposed to any cruelty towards animals.” It also argued that its classification was in line with European Union guidelines.

As far as categorizing cats as “alien,” the institute noted that Felis catus was domesticated around 10,000 years ago by ancient civilizations in the Middle East. That means that cats are not native to Europe from a scientific point of view.

The institute also suggested that cat owners should limit the time their pets spend outdoors during bird mating season.



Words in This Story

alien – adj. from another country and not a citizen of the country of residence

species – n. a group of similar living things that ranks below the genus in scientific classification and is made up of individuals able to produce offspring with one another

domestic – adj living near or about human habitations : – adj. domesticated

biodiversity – n. biological diversity in an environment as indicated by numbers of different species of plants and animals

criteria – n. a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based

challenge – v. to confront or defy boldly

cruelty – n. inhuman treatment

pet – n. a tame animal kept as a companion rather than for work