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Russia to Annex Parts of Eastern Ukraine

September 29, 2022





ドミトリー・ペスコフ大統領報道官は24日、ウクライナのルハンスク、ドネツク、ケルソン、ザポリジャの4地域 - が金曜日にロシアに追加されると記者団に語りました。これらの地域の親ロシア派の行政官は、クレムリンの式典でウラジミール・プーチン大統領とロシアへの加盟条約に署名する予定です。





People walk past a crater created by an explosion after a Russian attack in Kramatorsk, Ukraine, Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
People walk past a crater created by an explosion after a Russian attack in Kramatorsk, Ukraine, Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
2022年9月29日木曜日、ウクライナクラマトルスクで、ロシアの攻撃後に爆発でできたクレーターの横を歩く人々(AP Photo/Leo Correa)


異例の強い口調で、アントニオ・グテーレス国連事務総長は29日、ニューヨークで記者団に対し、ロシアの併合annexationは国連憲章U.N. Charterに違反し、”法的価値はない”と述べました。彼は、この動きを”危険なエスカレーション”と表現し、"受け入れてはならない "と述べました。


現在EU議長国を務めるチェコのヤン・リパフスキー外相は、"絶対に容認できない "と言います。彼は、さらに、EUは一方的な併合を拒否していると付け加えています。






ドイツのアンナレナ・バーボック外相は、ベルリンで開かれた会議でこの問題について話しました。"脅迫され、時には銃で脅されながら、人々は自宅や職場から連れ出され、ガラスの投票箱で投票されている "と彼女は、述べました。






先週、プーチンウクライナで何度か軍事的損失を出した後、30万人もの軍の予備兵を召集call-upを命じました。プーチンや他のロシア政府高官は、併合された土地を含むロシアの領土を守るために核兵器nuclear weaponsを使用するとも脅しています。


この召集令状call-up orderにより、国境に出国しようとするロシア人の長い列ができました。ロシアの治安は、グルジアフィンランドとの国境沿いに検問所を設置し、その一部を徴発したと伝えられています。



People walk toward the border crossing at Verkhny Lars between Georgia, and Russia Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. (AP Photo)
People walk toward the border crossing at Verkhny Lars between Georgia, and Russia Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. (AP Photo)


ノバヤ・ガゼータ・ヨーロッパは月曜日、召集以来26万1000人の男性がロシアを離れたと報じています。「ロシアを出国しようとする人の中には、裕福な人The better off 、よく教育された人がwell educated 過剰に含まれていあす」と英国情報当局者は述べています。


ロシアからグルジアに向かったアレクサンドル・カミセンツェフさんは、"ウクライナの兄弟を殺したり、刑務所に入るつもりはないから " 最後の瞬間に出国を決めたと語りました。







Russia to Annex Parts of Eastern Ukraine

People walk toward the border crossing at Verkhny Lars between Georgia and Russia Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. (AP Photo)

Russia plans to officially annex, or seize, parts of eastern Ukraine on Friday. Russian officials said the people of those areas had voted strongly in favor of the move. But Ukraine and Western officials have condemned the Moscow-controlled votes as illegal, forced and dishonest.

Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday that four areas of Ukraine - Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia - will be added to Russia on Friday. The pro-Russia administrators of those areas will sign treaties to join Russia at a Kremlin ceremony with President Vladimir Putin.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced an emergency meeting with his security and military officials for Friday. He promised tough measures against the move and said it ended any chance of returning to peace talks. The votes "are worthless and do not change reality. The territorial integrity of Ukraine will be restored," he said.

People walk past a crater created by an explosion after a Russian attack in Kramatorsk, Ukraine, Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
People walk past a crater created by an explosion after a Russian attack in Kramatorsk, Ukraine, Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

In unusually strong language, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told reporters Thursday in New York that Russia’s annexation would violate the U.N. Charter and has “no legal value.” He described the move as “a dangerous escalation” and said it “must not be accepted.”

Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky, whose country currently holds the European Union presidency, said, "It's absolutely unacceptable." He added that the EU rejects the one-sided annexation.

The result of the voting that ended Tuesday was not a surprise. Russian troops went door-to-door with election officials to collect ballots. Ukrainian officials said they also gathered names of people who voted against annexation. The five days of voting produced unusually high numbers in favor of joining Russia.

Russian-supported administrations in the four areas claimed that 93 percent of the ballots cast in Zaporizhzhia supported annexation, as did 87 percent in Kherson, 98 percent in Luhansk and 99 percent in Donetsk.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock spoke on the issue at a conference in Berlin. "Under threats and sometimes even (at) gunpoint, people are being taken out of their homes or workplaces to vote in glass ballot boxes," she said.

"This is the opposite of free and fair elections," Baerbock said. "And this is the opposite of peace.”

Russians leaving the country

Last week, Putin ordered a call-up of as many as 300,000 military reservists after several military losses in Ukraine. Putin and other Russian officials also threatened to use nuclear weapons to protect Russian territory, including any annexed land.

The call-up order led to long lines of Russians at the borders trying to leave the country. Russian security reportedly set up checkpoints along the borders with Georgia and Finland to draft some of them.

People walk toward the border crossing at Verkhny Lars between Georgia, and Russia Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. (AP Photo)
People walk toward the border crossing at Verkhny Lars between Georgia, and Russia Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. (AP Photo)

Novaya Gazeta Europe reported on Monday that 261,000 men had left Russia since the call-up. "The better off and well educated are over-represented amongst those attempting to leave Russia," British intelligence officials said.

Alexander Kamisentsev, who left Russia for Georgia, said he decided at the last moment to leave “because I am not going to kill my Ukrainian brothers or go to prison.”




Words in This Story

integrity – n. the state of being a united whole

escalation – n. to increase in extent, volume, number, amount, intensity, or scope

absolutely – adv. completely or totally

reservist – n. soldiers who are not serving in the regular army of a country, but who can be called to serve whenever they are needed.

draft – v. to order someone to serve in the armed forces

moment – n. a very brief time