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Alzheimer's Drug Available, But Sales Slow

FILE - This image provided by Eisai in January 2023 shows vials and packaging for their medication, Leqembi. On Thursday, July 6, 2023. (Eisai via AP, File)
FILE - This image provided by Eisai in January 2023 shows vials and packaging for their medication, Leqembi. On Thursday, July 6, 2023. (Eisai via AP, File)

Alzheimer’s disease affects a person’s memory, thinking and behavior. The first drug shown to slow the effects of Alzheimer’s disease reached the market in the United States over a year ago. However, sales of the drug Leqembi have been slow.

Reasons for slow sales

Major hospital systems in the U.S. have taken months to start using the new Alzheimer’s drug. Some health insurers have rejected paying for the medication. And doctors say they expect some patients will be slow to take Leqembi because of the drug’s limited results and possible side effects.

Doctors say it will take years to learn how best to use the drug. They add that work must be done to improve the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Ambar Kulshreshtha specializes in treating dementia near Atlanta, Georgia. He is hopeful about the drug. He said, “This is the start of a very exciting journey.”

In the U.S., about 6 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s. There is no cure for the disease. But studies show Leqembi helps clear a kind of protein that builds up in the brain called beta amyloid. Beta amyloid is considered an important sign of Alzheimer’s.

These PET scan images from January 2024 show a reduction in amyloid-beta levels in an Alzheimer's patient after focused ultrasound treatment to open the blood-brain barrier. Red is associated with higher levels of amyloid-beta levels. (New England Journal of Medicine via AP)
These PET scan images from January 2024 show a reduction in amyloid-beta levels in an Alzheimer's patient after focused ultrasound treatment to open the blood-brain barrier. Red is associated with higher levels of amyloid-beta levels. (New England Journal of Medicine via AP)

Studies showed that Leqembi can delay the progression of the disease by a few months in people with mild symptoms. Some experts say the delay may be too small for patients to notice.

The drug’s side effects can include swelling or bleeding in the brain. Patients taking Leqembi require regular tests to watch for possible side effects.

Last July the U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave Leqembi full approval for patients with early stages of the disease. The U.S. healthcare coverage program for people aged 65 and over, called Medicare, covers Leqembi and the cost of tests needed to diagnose patients.

Complex system for administering the drug

Alexander Scott is an official with Eisai, the Japanese company that makes Leqembi. Scott said hospitals and health systems have needed more time than expected to provide Leqembi.

“It’s not like we are adding a drug to an existing system,” he said. He said hospitals need to build a system for the drug.

The Cedars-Sinai health system in Los Angeles, for example, started administering the drug in early March. This effort required months to establish a plan that dealt with diagnosis, treatment, and watching for problems. “We were very careful about it,” said Dr. Sarah Kremen, a behavioral neurologist at Cedars-Sinai.

The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, started using Leqembi in October of last year. The health center only uses the drug for patients who live within about 160 kilometers of its offices. This is so doctors can reach them quickly if they have problems.

Paying for the costly drug

Health systems still do not know how coverage for the drug, its infusions, and the needed tests work. Because the drug can cost more than $26,000 a year, there are concerns patients will face costs they cannot pay.

An Eisai spokesperson said nearly three-quarters of commercial healthcare plans in the U.S. cover the drug outside of Medicare.

But doctors are concerned that getting coverage still might be difficult for some patients, especially those too young to qualify for Medicare.

Scott Berkheiser is 57 years old and lives in Florida. His health insurance company would not pay for the drug. So, his first Leqembi infusion was delayed until last December.

He said the drugmaker agreed to supply him with the drug at no cost while he made partial insurance payments, known as co-payments, for the treatment.

“It was a little crazy,” he said. “It seemed like it was kind of a game that must make sense for some monetary reason.”

Delayed and complex diagnosis and treatment

Getting treatments started on time remains another problem.

When Leqembi launched last year, doctors at Texas Neurology in the city of Dallas tested 60 people as possible candidates for Leqembi. However, only eight started the treatment. The chief of Texas Neurology, David Evans, said the other candidates either refused the drug or had gone beyond the early stage of the disease. Evans said the period, or “window,” when the drug is best to use is very short.

Doctors say more must be done to quickly identify patients and get treatment started before the disease worsens. For example, if people say they have trouble with their memory, doctors must rule out other causes.

Dr. Kulshreshtha said these can include thyroid problems, vitamin deficiencies, medication problems, and depression. Memory tests for dementia can also require several visits to a doctor.

Some patients might be ineligible for Leqembi because it would conflict with medication they take to prevent strokes. And patients might have to wait months to see a brain specialist who would prescribe the drug.

Those who do get the first infusion have said the treatment process is not difficult. Leqembi patient Berkheiser said his infusions have gone “like clockwork” after he started treatment.

Charles Clegg from Salem, Alabama, recently finished his 13th Leqembi infusion. He visits a treatment center that is close to his home. Clegg and his wife, Carol, said he has had no side effects, and his short-term memory has improved.

“This drug gives you hope,” Carol Clegg said.


Words in This Story

insurer –n. the provider of insurance, such as health insurance, in which a person pays a company regularly so that the company will pay most of the costs of a covered expense

diagnosis –n. the act of identifying a disease affecting a person

journey –n. a trip or a long process that involves unexpected events

stage –n. a level or condition that is different from earlier and later ones

infusion –n. a treatment that involves adding a medicine by one of several means

commercial –adj. related to business and making a profit

ineligible –adj. not able to use or take

stroke –n. a severe medical problem in which blood flow is blocked preventing blood from reaching the brain or heart

prescribe –v. to approve the use of medicine whose use is restricted by law (the approval must come from a medical doctor)


アルツハイマー病治療薬が発売されるも、販売は低調 (和訳)

アンバー・クルシュレシュタ医師は、ジョージア州アトランタ近郊で認知症治療を専門としています。彼はこの薬に期待しています。 「これは非常にエキサイティングな旅の始まりです。」
医療保険制度は、薬やその輸液、必要な検査に対する保険がどのように適用されるのか、まだわかっていません。年間26,000ドル( およそ4百4万5千円 2024年5月13日現在)以上かかる薬であるため、患者が支払えない費用に直面する懸念があります。

メディケアとは65歳以上のシニア、65歳未満の障がい者や末期腎不全患者を対象とし た連邦政府による健康保険。 
① アメリカの医療制度の特徴は、国民皆保険制度がないため多数の無保険者がいることで ある。国民の大半は、雇用先が提供する医療保険に加入するなど、民間保険が中心的な役 割を果たし、公的医療保険としては、主に高齢者を対象とするメディケア等があるのみで ある。メディケアは 1965 年に導入され、約 4600 万人が加入するアメリカの公的医療保障 の中核をなす制度となっている。 ② メディケアは、パート A からパート D までの 4 つの部分から構成される。パート A は、 主に入院時の病院費用に適用される。現役時代に社会保障税・メディケア税を負担し、社 会保障法による老齢・遺族・障害年金の受給資格を有する 65 歳以上の者に適用され、保 険料は課せられない。パート B は、主に医師の診療費、外来治療、予防ケア等に適用される。 パート B は任意加入であり、保険料を払わなくてはならない。パート C はメディケア・ アドバンテージ・プランと呼ばれ、メディケアと契約を結んだ民間保険会社等が提供する 保険を通じて、メディケアの給付を受けるものである。パート D は処方薬に適用される。引用:アメリカの高齢者医療制度の現状と課題より
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