

ワクチン予約にbot !



bot’ なる存在を知りませんでしたので、???でしたが、聴いているうちに、確かに、テクノロジーが絡んでくると難しい人も出てきますよね。世代間ギャップは激しいものがあります。












Some Turn to Internet ‘Bots’ to Help Get Vaccine Appointments

March 03, 2021





















ショーバーさんはツイッター上のメッセージから利用可能なことを知りました。"ありがとう!ありがとう!ありがとう!私は父の予約を得りました! 本当にありがとう!」とツイートしました。成功は、Twitterアカウント@nj_vaccineを介して、彼はニュージャージー州の公式オンライン予約システムに登録した1ヶ月後に来ました。






「これらの人々は、彼らがどこかのリストにあることを知りたいだけで、彼らは助けられようとしている人々です 」とシュー氏は言います。「私たちは誰もが予防接種を受けたいんです。私たちは私たちの祖父母を参照してください。」












ノア・マーカス氏は、ニュージャージーで現在ブロックされているワクチンボットを作成しました。24歳のコンピュータープログラマーは、公式の任命システムは公平ではないと言います。 「システムはすでに技術に精通している人を 好むようになっていました、更新ボタンを押しながら一日中コンピュータの前に座って いられる人をね。」





Some Turn to Internet ‘Bots’ to Help Get Vaccine Appointments

People line up outside Yankee stadium for vaccines amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in the Bronx borough of New York City, New York, Feb. 5, 2021.

Many Americans have had trouble getting appointments to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. The process for getting vaccinated is different across U.S. states and communities.

Some older people who lack technology experience have found it difficult to follow the necessary requirements to seek appointments through the internet. To get around this, some people have turned to internet “bots” to help them find a quicker way to get vaccines.

What is a bot?

A bot is a computer program that works automatically to search for different kinds of information on the internet.

People seeking vaccinations often have to search several different vaccine provider websites for available appointments. With the demand for vaccines continuing to outweigh supply, people often have to keep checking sites over and over to find an available time. Sometimes the availabilities can disappear before a person has the chance to complete the appointment process.

Motorists line up to receive a COVID-19 vaccine at a Los Angeles County location at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles ,Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021. (AP)
Motorists line up to receive a COVID-19 vaccine at a Los Angeles County location at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles ,Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021. (AP)

Are vaccine bots helping?

Vaccine bots are helping some of the people who use them. Benjamin Shover of Stratford, New Jersey, used a bot system to help get his 70-year-old father a vaccine appointment for early March.

Shover learned of the availability from a message on Twitter. “THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I GOT MY DAD AN APPOINTMENT! THANK YOU SO MUCH!” he tweeted. The success, through the Twitter account @nj_vaccine, came a month after he registered for New Jersey’s official online appointment system.

A man receives a COVID-19 vaccine at Englewood Health in Englewood, N.J., Thursday, Jan. 14, 2021. (AP)
A man receives a COVID-19 vaccine at Englewood Health in Englewood, N.J., Thursday, Jan. 14, 2021. (AP)


Shover said his father has limited technical skills and is also physically disabled, making it difficult for him to find an appointment himself online.

The developer of the bot, software engineer Kenneth Hsu, said he first created it to help get an appointment for his wife’s parents. Now he and other volunteers are using the bot to assist others who are frustrated by New Jersey’s online appointment system.

“These are people who just want to know they’re on a list somewhere and they are going to be helped,” Hsu said. “We want everyone vaccinated. We want to see our grandparents.”

What do health officials think?

Health officials in some communities have opposed the use of such bots. One bot that recently identified availabilities at a provider in a rural area of Massachusetts led many people who live in the Boston area to register for the spots.

Local officials chose to cancel all of the appointments. They changed to a private system and started spreading news about availabilities through officials and community centers.

People wait in line to get vaccinated at a mass COVID-19 vaccination site in the Queens borough of New York, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2021. (AP)
People wait in line to get vaccinated at a mass COVID-19 vaccination site in the Queens borough of New York, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2021. (AP)


“Our goal was to help our residents get their vaccination,” said Tracy Rogers, the head of emergency preparedness for the local Massachusetts government. “But 95 percent of the appointments we had were from outside (the area).”

One area of New Jersey added a website tool designed to confirm that visitors are human. Officials there said the tool was aimed at blocking efforts “to game” the system with a bot.

Noah Marcus created a vaccine bot that is now blocked in New Jersey. The 24-year-old computer programmer says the official appointment system is not fair. He said, “The system was already favoring the tech-savvy and the person who can just sit in front of their computer all day, hitting refresh.”


How do vaccine bots work?

Bots can be used to continuously search provider sites for the latest availabilities. The bots are often overseen by humans, who can then publicize information about the openings on Twitter or through text messages.

A second kind of bot that is more worrisome to health officials is called a “scalper” bot. This kind of bot can automatically book appointments immediately when it finds them. Sometimes these appointments can be offered up for sale. So far, though, there is little evidence that scalper bots are making appointments.









Words in This Story


appointment – n. a time set to meet someone or go somewhere

automatic – adj. something controlled using machines and not people

frustrate – v. make someone feel annoyed because things are not happening the way they want

resident – n. someone who lives in a particular place

savvy – adj. having practical knowledge and abilities relating to certain subjects

refresh – v. to make the most recent information on an internet website appear


Be sure to replace unhelpful thoughts or ideas with better ones.














How to Gain Confidence in Your English Speaking

February 23, 2021









   ●   ソフトな声で話す
   ●  早口、不明瞭な発言をする






信じられないかもしれませんが、毎日話す相手の中で一番大切なのは自分自身です。言い換えれば あなたの思考が重要なのです。













































































How to Gain Confidence in Your English Speaking


February 23, 2021

At VOA Learning English, we sometimes get questions like this: “How can I speak English with more confidence?”

That is a great question. No matter what language we are learning, we would all love to speak more confidently.

Yuliana Vasquez is an English teacher. She also trains teachers and is a language researcher at the University of Panama. She said lack of confidence can come from having trouble with pronunciation and not having a wide enough vocabulary.

If you lack confidence when you speak English, you may do one or more of these things without realizing it:

  • Speak in short phrases
  • Speak too softly
  • Speak too fast or unclearly

So today, we have several pieces of advice to help you gain confidence in your English-speaking ability.

Use positive self-talk

Believe it or not, the most important person you talk to every day is yourself. In other words: Your thoughts matter.

So our first piece of advice is to use positive self-talk.

If you lack confidence as an English speaker, you may tell yourself things like, “English is too hard and I will never improve.” When you talk to other people, you may say things like, “I’m so sorry for my English.”

But if you keep thinking and saying such things, you are sure to start believing them.

Magdi Saleh is an English teacher and teacher trainer based in Cairo, Egypt.

Saleh said many English learners need to show themselves more patience because progress takes time:.

“You have to be patient with yourself and talk positively with yourself.”

He said you can tell yourself something like, “Today, I will learn this thing and tomorrow I will learn other things.”

So the next time you are using your English, pay attention to what you tell yourself or others. Be sure to replace unhelpful thoughts or ideas with better ones.

Speak louder, slower

The next tip is to speak louder and slow down your speech.

When I taught English at a language school in Washington, D.C., I noticed something about my students: Those who lacked confidence spoke too softly. And they did not enunciate well. Often, I had to ask them to repeat themselves a few times.

To sound more confident, speak loudly enough that anyone in the same room can easily hear you.

And try to slow down your speech if you speak too fast. Many English learners worry that speaking too slow will make them sound inexperienced. But speaking too fast may cause more mistakes. So avoid worrying that you are speaking too slow for the people around you.

Speak in full sentences

Our third tip is to speak in complete sentences and give longer responses when possible.

If you are not confident in a language, you will likely try to say as little as possible when you speak. Trust me: I know! When I visited Brazil, for example, I remember asking a building doorman for the fitness center key. In Portuguese, I said just, “Good afternoon. Fitness center key, please.”

Saleh says this is a common problem for language learners. For example, if you ask an English learner what their favorite color is, they may give a short, direct response like, “My favorite color is blue.” But a native English speaker is likely to give a detailed and less direct response, like this:

“Well, to be quite honest, I don’t really have an actual color. I guess that if I were buying clothes, I would go for something like blue or grey.”

Using complete sentences and giving more detail in responses shows listeners that you are not afraid to speak English.



Read out loud

Now, we move to tip number four: Read out loud.

Reading out loud can help build confidence in how your English sounds. So the next time you are reading a website, book or something else that you enjoy, take a few minutes to read the material aloud.

Vasquez offers a possible plan of action.

Before reading aloud, read the story silently first. The second time, if there is audio, you can listen to the speaker as you read along silently. Then, try to read the story out loud alone. Then, try listening to the speaker and reading out loud at the same time.

List words you have trouble saying and then, later, check their pronunciation on Google Translate or in some other place.

Saleh adds that learners should read for pleasure and enjoy what they are reading. So he advises not stopping to check word meanings in a dictionary while reading.

Don’t worry too much

One of the biggest barriers to confidence in speaking a second language is the constant worry about making mistakes.

So our next tip is: Do not worry too much about mistakes.

Understand that making mistakes is a natural part of the language learning process. Yes, you will make mistakes. But keep in mind that the purpose of speaking a language is to communicate. And many English learners communicate very well, even with mistakes.

Vasquez notes that mistakes can be a good thing. The more experience you get, the more you will know what is and is not correct, she explains.

Set realistic goals

Our final tip is to set realistic goals.

If your English-speaking skills are at the beginner or intermediate level and you try to do something too difficult, you may fail. This can harm your confidence. But, if you do something that matches your level, you are more likely to do it well.

As you learn English, it is natural to lack some of the skills you need to communicate well. Often, when we lack skills, we lack confidence. But remember that, as your skills grow, your confidence will, too.

Vasquez advises learners to make a plan for daily practice and spend at least 30 minutes each day practicing your English.






Words in This Story


confidence –n. the feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed

pronunciation –n. the way in which a word is spoken

vocabulary –n. the set of words that a person knows

phrase –n. a group of words that express an idea but do not form a sentence

positive –adj. good or useful

enunciate –v. to pronounce words clearly and understandably

key –n. a special piece of metal used to open a lock

guess –v. to suppose, to think that something might be the case

silently –adv. quietly, without sound

intermediate –adj. relating to a level of knowledge that is not of a beginner or of an expert
















New Study: Black Hole May Be Larger Than Expected

2 hours ago /February 28, 2021


FILE - 地球から約7,200光年の距離にある伴星の周りを周回している、いわゆる恒星質量ブラックホールを持つ「はくちょう座X-1星系」の画像。(国際電波天文学研究センター/Handout via REUTERS)




ブラックホールは非常に巨大な宇宙空間の物体で、その重力は非常に強力で、光さえも逃がしません。ブラックホール、Cygnus 白鳥座X-1は1964年に発見されました。このブラックホールは、2人の有名な科学者の間で友好的な賭けの対象となったことでよく知られています。






天の川銀河の中心にあるブラックホールのように、非常に大きなブラックホールもあります。これらは ”超巨大” ブラックホールと呼ばれています。太陽の何百万倍もの大きさになることもあります。これより小さいブラックホールは、”恒星質量”ブラックホールと呼ばれています。これらのブラックホールは、単一の星の質量を持っています。


Cygnus はくちょう座X-1は、天の川銀河で最大の恒星質量を持つブラックホールとして知られています。カーティン大学とオーストラリアの国際電波天文学研究センターのジェームズ・ミラー・ジョーンズ氏は、地球から見られる最も強力なX線の一つであると述べています。ミラー-ジョーンズは、出版物 Scienceサイエンスに掲載された研究を主導しました。


Cygnus白鳥座X-1は、物理学者アルバート・アインシュタインのgeneral relativity一般相対性理論の下で予測された最高の速度に近づいて速く回転している、とミラー・ジョーンズ氏は付け加えています。


ブラックホールは、それが公転する星の表面から来る物質を持ち込みます。この星は “blue supergiant” ”青い超巨星”と呼ばれる非常に大きな星で、太陽の約40倍の質量を持ちます。




今回の研究では、電波望遠鏡 超長基線アレー のデータを用いています。米国内の10の観測局で構成されています。















 40 times    :40倍


答えは:  tens of times



millions of times:何百万倍

a few tens of thousands :数万年


※tens of thousands :何万もの


Tens of thousands of people came into the baseball studium.









New Study: Black Hole May Be Larger Than Expected

FILE - An artist's impression of the Cygnus X-1 system, with a so-called stellar-mass black hole orbiting a companion star some 7,200 light years from Earth. (International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research/Handout via REUTERS


A recent study found that the first black hole ever discovered is a lot bigger than scientists first thought.

Black holes are extremely massive space objects whose gravity is so powerful not even light escapes. The black hole, Cygnus X-1, was discovered in 1964. It is well-known for being the object of a friendly bet between two famous scientists.

Researchers found that new observations of Cygnus X-1 showed it is 21 times our sun’s mass. That is about 50 percent more massive than scientists had believed.

While it is still one of the closest black holes known, the scientists found it is farther away than earlier estimates suggested. It is 7,200 light years away. A light year is the distance light travels in one year.

Some black holes, like the one at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, are extremely large. These are called “supermassive” black holes. They can be millions of times more massive than the sun. Smaller black holes are called “stellar-mass” black holes. They have the mass of a single star.

Cygnus X-1 is the Milky Way’s largest-known stellar-mass black hole. It is among the strongest X-ray sources seen from Earth, said James Miller-Jones of Curtin University and the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research in Australia. Miller-Jones led the study that appeared in the publication Science.

Cygnus X-1 turns so quickly that it comes close to the highest rate predicted under physicist Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, Miller-Jones added.

The black hole brings in material that comes from the surface of the star that it orbits. This star is a “blue supergiant,” a very large star about 40 times our sun’s mass.

Cygnus X-1 started to exist 4 million to 5 million years ago as a star up to 75 times more massive than the sun. But then it collapsed into a black hole a few tens of thousands of years ago.

The research included data from the Very Long Baseline Array radio telescope. It is made up of 10 observation stations in the United States.

After Cygnus X-1 was first identified as a possible black hole, a friendly bet was made between two physicists, Stephen Hawking and Kip Thorne. Hawking bet against the object being a black hole, while Thorne bet that it was one. Hawking eventually admitted that the evidence suggested Cygnus X-1 was a black hole.

Miller-Jones, the leader of the recent study said, “Indeed, I did not have any wagers riding on these findings.”





Words in This Story


bet – n. an agreement in which people try to guess what will happen and the person who guesses wrong has to give something (such as money) to the person who guesses right; a wager

source – n. the place where something starts from

wager – n. an agreement in which people try to guess what will happen and the person who guesses wrong has to give something (such as money) to the person who guesses right; a bet







今日のVOAニュース スタート!!!








Scientists Have New Theory for What Killed the Dinosaurs

February 21, 2021



ネオワイズ彗星またはC/2020 F3は、2020年7月14日(火)、ハンガリーのバラトンマリアフルド上空で日の出前に見られています。それは7月3日に太陽に最も接近して通過し、地球への最接近は7月23日。(Gyorgy Varga/MTI via AP)









Artist's creation of the event involving an asteroid impact that scientists believe happened on Earth 65 million years ago. (Credit: NASA/Don Davis)










The comet Neowise or C/2020 F3 is seen behind an Orthodox church over the Turets, Belarus, 110 kilometers (69 miles) west of capital Minsk, early Tuesday, July 14, 2020. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

ネオワイズ彗星またはC/2020 F3は、2020年7月14日火曜日未明、首都ミンスクから西に110km(69マイル)のベラルーシのチュレツ上空にある正教会の背後に見える。(AP Photo/Sergei Grits)


この新しい研究は最近、Scientific Reportsに掲載されました。主著者は、ハーバード大学の宇宙物理学の学生であるアミール・シラージ氏。彼は「木星は太陽系の中で最も巨大な惑星であるため、非常に重要です。」と、フランスの報道機関AFPに語っています。






An artist’s interpretation is shown of the asteroid impact that scientists believe caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. (Credit: NASA/Don Davis) 科学者たちが恐竜の絶滅を引き起こしたと考えている小惑星の衝突について、アーティストの解釈が示されています。(出典:NASA/ドン・デイビス)













Scientists Have New Theory for What Killed the Dinosaurs


The Comet Neowise or C/2020 F3 is seen before sunrise over Balatonmariafurdo, Hungary, Tuesday, July 14, 2020. It passed closest to the Sun on July 3, and its closest approach to Earth will occur on July 23. (Gyorgy Varga/MTI via AP)


American researchers have a new theory about how an object struck the Earth and caused the dinosaurs to die off.

Scientists mostly agree on where the impact happened about 65 million years ago. They say a huge object struck an area off the coast of what is now Mexico. Astronomers have said the most likely cause of the strike was either an asteroid or a comet.

In recent years, researchers have presented evidence that the impact was caused by an asteroid. The theory suggests the asteroid came from an area between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

Artist's creation of the event involving an asteroid impact that scientists believe happened on Earth 65 million years ago. (Credit: NASA/Don Davis)
Artist's creation of the event involving an asteroid impact that scientists believe happened on Earth 65 million years ago. (Credit: NASA/Don Davis)


But a study by two astronomers from Harvard University presents a new theory: that the crash was caused by a comet. The researchers say the comet came from an area containing icy debris on the edge of the solar system. The area is known as the Oort cloud.

Their theory states that the comet was pulled into the solar system by Jupiter’s gravity. The comet then came very close to the sun, whose tidal force caused it to break up into pieces. The researchers believe one of the pieces crashed into the place that scientists have identified in Mexico.

The team based its theory on a model created to predict the probability that a long-period comet from the Oort cloud would hit Earth. Long-period comets take more than 200 years to orbit the Sun.

Because comets come from frozen areas of the outer solar system, they are icier than asteroids. They are known for leaving long trails of gas and dust as they melt.

The comet Neowise or C/2020 F3 is seen behind an Orthodox church over the Turets, Belarus, 110 kilometers (69 miles) west of capital Minsk, early Tuesday, July 14, 2020. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)
The comet Neowise or C/2020 F3 is seen behind an Orthodox church over the Turets, Belarus, 110 kilometers (69 miles) west of capital Minsk, early Tuesday, July 14, 2020. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)


The new study was recently published in Scientific Reports. The lead author was Amir Siraj, an astrophysics student at Harvard. "Jupiter is so important because it's the most massive planet in our solar system," he told the French press agency AFP.

Siraj said the findings showed that Jupiter’s large influence pushes “these incoming long-period comets into orbits that bring them very close to the sun.” The comets experience such a large tidal force from the sun “that the most massive of them would shatter into about a thousand fragments,” he said. Each of those fragments would be large enough to produce a crater the size of the Mexican site, he added.

That massive impact is estimated to have been equal to the strength of about 10 billion nuclear bombs. The U.S. Space Agency NASA has estimated the strike created a huge crater about 180 kilometers wide and 900 meters deep.

An artist’s interpretation is shown of the asteroid impact that scientists believe caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. (Credit: NASA/Don Davis)
An artist’s interpretation is shown of the asteroid impact that scientists believe caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. (Credit: NASA/Don Davis)


The event is believed to have caused widespread wildfires, earthquakes and ocean waves. It also released chemicals into the atmosphere, leading to severe cooling. Scientists blame the event for destroying more than 70 percent of plant and animal life. In addition, all dinosaurs that were not bird-like died out.

The researchers say their theory can be tested by further studying the crater in Mexico, as well as possibly those on the moon. In addition, space explorers might also be sent to collect comet material for examination.

The study also suggests that similar impacts can be expected to strike Earth about once every 250 to 730 million years. But the other lead researcher on the project, Harvard professor Avi Loeb, noted that that is just an estimate.

“You never know when the next one will come,” he said. “The best way to find out is to search the sky.”






Words in This Story


impact n. an act or event in which something strikes another thing

asteroid n. a space rock, that can be small or the size of a large moon, that orbits the sun

cometn. an outer space object that is made of material like gas and ice which is left behind in its orbit as it approaches the sun

debrisn. pieces that are left after something comes apart

tidal forcen. a secondary force of gravity involving two objects

shatterv. to suddenly break into many pieces

fragmentn. a broken piece of something that was once larger

cratern. a round hole made by an explosive force such as a bomb or an object falling from the sky








Let's get started!!!








NASA Releases First Video and Color Photos from Mars Explorer

February 25, 2021







Perseveranceパーサビランスチームの何人かのメンバーは、ビデオと画像が彼らが予想していたよりも優れていたと言います。「見るたびに鳥肌が立ちます。ただ驚きです。」 とデイヴ・グルール氏は言います。彼は宇宙船の着陸カメラチームの責任者です。










This combination of images from video made available by NASA shows steps in the descent of the Mars Perseverance rover as it approaches the surface of the planet on Feb. 18, 2021.












NASA released this photo as the first high-resolution, color image to be sent back by the Hazard Cameras (Hazcams) on the underside of the Perseverance rover after its landing on Mars. (NASA)














NASA Releases First Video and Color Photos from Mars Explorer

A portion of a panorama made up of individual images taken by the Navigation Cameras, or Navcams, aboard NASA's Perseverance Mars rover shows the Martian landscape, Feb. 20, 2021. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/Handout via Reuters)


The U.S. space agency NASA has released the first video, pictures and sound captured by its Mars explorer Perseverance.

The video shows the explorer, or rover, at different points during its landing on the Red Planet last week.

Some members of the Perseverance team said the video and images were even better than they had expected. “It gives me goose bumps every time I see it, just amazing,” said Dave Gruel. He is head of the spacecraft’s landing camera team.

Al Chen heads the Perseverance landing team. He called the pictures and video “the stuff of our dreams.”



Six color cameras were positioned to capture all stages of the landing. NASA said the cameras started when the rover was about 11 kilometers above the surface of Mars.

Flight controllers were also pleased with the thousands of images that Perseverance sent back to Earth. They said the rover was in very good condition after the landing.

Perseverance landed in an area of Mars called Jezero Crater, just north of the planet’s equator. The area contains a large ancient lakebed. The six-wheeled explorer’s main mission is to collect Martian soil and rocks to help scientists search for signs of ancient life.


This combination of images from video made available by NASA shows steps in the descent of the Mars Perseverance rover as it approaches the surface of the planet on Feb. 18, 2021.
This combination of images from video made available by NASA shows steps in the descent of the Mars Perseverance rover as it approaches the surface of the planet on Feb. 18, 2021.


NASA added 25 cameras to the Perseverance mission -- the most ever sent to Mars. The space agency’s last rover, 2012′s Curiosity, is only able to produce lower-quality images of the planet’s surface.

NASA said it also received sound from Perseverance. A microphone attached to the rover was not able to collect usable data during the actual landing. But it did record sounds from Jerezo Crater after it touched down.

NASA said that about 10 seconds into a 60-second recording, Martian wind can be heard for a few seconds. Equipment sounds were also captured as the rover operated on the surface.



The video and images provided NASA with the possibility to see the effectiveness of spacecraft systems – some of which could not be tested on Earth. “So this is the first time we’ve had a chance as engineers to actually see what we designed,” said Matt Wallace, a project official with NASA’s Mars 2020 program.

NASA released this photo as the first high-resolution, color image to be sent back by the Hazard Cameras (Hazcams) on the underside of the Perseverance rover after its landing on Mars. (NASA)
NASA released this photo as the first high-resolution, color image to be sent back by the Hazard Cameras (Hazcams) on the underside of the Perseverance rover after its landing on Mars. (NASA)


Thomas Zurbuchen is NASA’s science mission chief. He said the video and panoramic pictures that Perseverance captured “are the closest you can get to landing on Mars without putting on a pressure suit.”

NASA engineers say the images will help the agency prepare for astronaut flights to Mars in the future. But, imaging scientist Justin Maki noted that the pictures and videos can offer more immediate help, as well.

“I know it’s been a tough year for everybody,” Maki said. “And we’re hoping that maybe these images will help brighten people’s days.”





Words in This Story


goose bumps v. a roughness on the skin produced by a sudden feeling of cold, fear or excitement

missionn. the flight of a spacecraft to perform a task or job

panoramicadj. a very wide view of something

tough adj. difficult









Let's listen, today's VOA!!!



Pakistan   : 【pὰːkɪstάːn】

atrocity : 【ətrάsəti】








Pakistan, India Reach Rare Deal to Honor Kashmir Truce

February 25, 2021





共同声明では、上の軍司令官は、彼らがカシミールを分割するコントロールラインに沿って状況を "友好的な雰囲気 "で議論したとのべました。










確立されたホットラインを介して - 木曜日の2つの軍の間の対話は、パキスタンとインドの間の関係を悪化させた数ヶ月後に成立しました。






「これは良い展開で、もっと前からそうなっていたはずだ 」とアミット・バルア氏はいいます。彼はデリーのThe Hindu ヒンドゥー紙の編集者です。









インドのHindustan Times ヒンドスタン・タイムズ紙は、新協定がインドの国家安全保障顧問アジット・ドヴァル氏と彼のパキスタン人のカウンターパート、モイード・ユスフ氏の間の秘密協議の結果であったと言っています。











英語の小窓  accuse  A of B


India has long accused Pakistan of arming Muslim separatists fighting Indian rule in Kashmir.

accuse  A of B :  AをBのことで非難する


She accused him of stealing her car.   彼女は彼が車を盗んだと告訴した。



blame A for B:

She blamed him for hitting her.


criticize A for B:

I criticized him for telling a lie.


※日常のもめごとも含めた軽い内容は、criticize でしょう。






Pakistan, India Reach Rare Deal to Honor Kashmir Truce


FILE - Farmers take part in a candlelight vigil to honor paramilitary troops killed in a suicide bomb attack in south Kashmir's Pulwama district in 2019, at the site of a protest against new farm laws in Ghaziabad, India, February 14, 2021. REUTERS/Adnan Abidi


Pakistan and India have agreed to immediately end military hostilities in the disputed area of Kashmir. The two nations promised Thursday to honor a 2003 truce to reduce tensions between the two nuclear-armed rivals.

In a joint statement, top military commanders said they had discussed in a “cordial atmosphere” the situation along the Line of Control that splits Kashmir.

Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan, but both countries claim the whole territory. It has been the cause of two of the three wars between the countries since both gained independence from Britain in 1947.

A statement released by Pakistan’s army said the two nations had agreed to observe “all agreements, understandings and cease firing along the LOC.”

It also said that in the interest of peace, the two sides had agreed to discuss each other’s main concerns in an effort to prevent further violence.

Indian and Pakistani military commanders also agreed on the need to use existing arrangements between the two sides to settle any problems that may arise, the statement said.

Thursday’s communication between the two militaries -- through an established hotline -- came after months of worsening relations between Pakistan and India.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi called the understanding an “important step” toward peace in the area. He added that while the agreement can be a “good beginning,” it also requires India to demonstrate sincerity.

South Asia experts in India welcomed the move.

"It’s a good development and should have happened a long time ago,” said Amit Baruah. He is editor of The Hindu newspaper in Delhi.

“India and Pakistan may not see eye-to-eye, but contact is always good for the sake of the people living on either side of the Line of Control,” Baruah told VOA.

The two countries agreed to the 2003 Kashmir ceasefire at a time when the world worried that hostilities over Kashmir could grow into a nuclear conflict.

However, small military conflicts at the border have become common in recent years. Each side has accused the other of truce violations. Both countries say the violence has caused hundreds of casualties to security forces and civilians.

India has long accused Pakistan of arming Muslim separatists fighting Indian rule in Kashmir. Pakistan denies the charges. It says Indian security forces have committed “atrocities” against Kashmiris.

India’s Hindustan Times newspaper said the new agreement was the result of secret talks between Indian National Security Adviser Ajit Doval and his Pakistani counterpart, Moeed Yusuf.

Tensions have increased sharply since August 2019. At that time, India canceled Kashmir’s constitutional right to limited self-rule in the part of Kashmir it controls. It split the area into two new territories and enforced tough new security and communications rules in the majority Muslim area.

Pakistan’s government saw the move as a violation of a United Nations Security Council resolution that recognizes Kashmir as a disputed territory. Its relationship with India worsened as it demanded that the action be changed.

India said the move was part of efforts aimed at improving security and bringing economic growth to Kashmir.




Words in This Story


rival – n. someone or something that is competing with another person or thing

cordial – adj. friendly and polite

arrangement – n. plans for how something will happen

hotline – n. a direct telephone line in constant operation in order to carry out immediate communication

sincerity – n. being honest and saying or showing what you really feel or believe

atrocity – n. a very cruel or terrible action















How Will We Know When We Reach Herd Immunity?

February 25, 2021
































































英語の小窓     ”what if ”

 What if the vaccines do not keep people from getting sick?



what if  + 文

不安  ”もし~ならどうする?、もし~ならどうなる?”

提案  ”~したらどうかなぁ?


"それが何か?" 的な表現や、

what -if  で名詞や形容詞に。



What if it rains tomorrow?    もし明日雨が降ったらどうする?

What if the train is late?     もし電車が遅れたらどうする?

What if I don't pass your exams? もし試験に合格できなかったらどうしよう。


What if we try?         やってみたらどうかなぁ。

But what if it works out?   でもさ、うまくいったらどうよ?



So what if?  だから何?! <(`^´)>

So what if I come home late? 遅いからって何よ?!


・what-if    ハイフンでつないで名詞、形容詞に。

Don't worry about what-ifs. 



what-if story  仮の話



 超便利!!!  ジャンジャン使っちゃおう!!!♫





How Will We Know When We Reach Herd Immunity?

Israelis show their "green pass" (proof of being fully vaccinated against the coronavirus) before entering the Green Pass concert for vaccinated seniors, organized by the municipality of Tel Aviv, on February 24, 2021. (AFP Photo)

How will we know when we reach herd immunity?

That is the question people are asking as governments race to vaccinate people around the world to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Herd immunity is when a large number of people in a community will either have recovered from infection or been vaccinated. Herd immunity does not mean everyone is protected from the virus. It means that the coronavirus can no longer spread easily, helping to protect those who are at risk.

Once people are sick or receive the vaccine, they start to develop antibodies. Experts think the number of people with antibodies needs to reach 70 percent or more for herd immunity.

However, the virus is always changing and developing into new variants. Health officials are now concerned with variants first discovered in Britain, South Africa and Brazil spreading around the world.

People sit at a vaccination site after receiving a dose of a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine, during a government-organised visit, following the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Shanghai, China January 19, 2021.
People sit at a vaccination site after receiving a dose of a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine, during a government-organised visit, following the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Shanghai, China January 19, 2021.

How do you calculate the percentage of people who need to be immune?

Finding how many people, on average, catch the virus from one infected person is important to understanding herd immunity.

Dr. Walter Orenstein is an infectious disease expert at Emory University. He said the percentage of people who need to be immune depends on a number of things. The number could be different depending on where you live. But it is not an exact number.

“It’s not 64.9 is terrible and 70.1 is fantastic,” he said.

How do we know when we have reached herd immunity?

Experts say there will not be a big announcement.

The evidence will come when there is a large decrease in new infections and fewer people need to go to the hospital for treatment.

The numbers will be different depending on what part of the world you are in.

For example, in India, scientists believe more people will need to be protected from the virus in cities than those who live in rural areas. The virus spreads easier and faster in densely populated cities.

India is working to find out how many of its 1.4 billion people already have recovered from the virus. And if current vaccines work well against the virus, fewer people will need to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity.

FILE - Nurse Shimray Wungreichon, 43, speaks to colleagues who will administer her the COVID-19 vaccine at the District Hospital in Ukhrul, in the northeastern Indian state of Manipur, Saturday, Jan. 16, 2021
FILE - Nurse Shimray Wungreichon, 43, speaks to colleagues who will administer her the COVID-19 vaccine at the District Hospital in Ukhrul, in the northeastern Indian state of Manipur, Saturday, Jan. 16, 2021
How will the virus variants affect herd immunity?

If vaccines or antibodies from past infections protect people from getting sick again, the fast-spreading variants are not a big concern.

However, if current vaccines are less effective against the variants, drug makers will have to update the shots to make them more effective. And even more people will need to be vaccinated.

Scientists are also worried about vaccinating people as quickly as possible to prevent new variants from developing.

Does herd immunity need to be global?

Yes, it is important to reach herd immunity around the world. But some parts of the world will struggle with the coronavirus longer than in others.

The World Health Organization said herd immunity will probably not happen around the world this year. That is because rich nations have reserved most of the vaccines that will be produced in 2021. Poor countries will have to wait longer.

Experts say the virus will never completely come to an end because different countries will have different vaccination levels.

A health official sprays disinfectant on the first batch of AstraZeneca/Oxford Covid-19 coronavirus vaccine shipment after its arrival at the Tan Son Nhat airport in Ho Chi Minh city on February 24, 2021. (Photo by Phu Nguyen / AFP)
A health official sprays disinfectant on the first batch of AstraZeneca/Oxford Covid-19 coronavirus vaccine shipment after its arrival at the Tan Son Nhat airport in Ho Chi Minh city on February 24, 2021. (Photo by Phu Nguyen / AFP)

Can herd immunity wear off?

Experts think immunity from earlier infection or a vaccine should last several months. But it is likely we will need follow-up shots, known as boosters, in the future.

The seasonal flu viruses are changing all the time. That is why people need a flu shot each year. The coronavirus is also changing but not as easily. So it is possible people will probably not need a COVID-19 shot every year.

What if the vaccines do not keep people from getting sick?

The current vaccines, from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, seem to work very well. They do prevent people from getting sick.

It is not clear, however, how well they stop the virus from moving from person to person. But experts say they should help to reduce the spread of the virus.

Deborah Fuller is a vaccine expert at the University of Washington. She said the vaccines should limit the amount of time people can spread the virus to others if they do get sick.







Words in This Story


variant - n. something that is different in some way from others of the same kind

immunity - n. the power to keep yourself from being affected by a disease

antibody - n. a substance produced by the body to fight disease

update - v. to change (something) by including the most recent information

flu - n. a common disease that is caused by a virus and that causes fever, weakness, body aches, and breathing problems