China Risks に備えるFoxconn and Pegatron 台湾第一位と二位、早速聴きましょう!!
- 中国のリスクが高まる中、アジア企業はメキシコの工場を検討
- Foxconnとは
- Pegatronとは
- 鴻海精密工業に買収されたシャープ
- Asian Companies Consider Factories in Mexico as China Risks Grow
Asian Companies Consider Factories in Mexico as China Risks Grow
フォックスコンは今年後半に新工場の最終決定を行う可能性が高く, 仕事はその後に開始されます, と2つの情報筋は述べています。 しかし、計画は変更される可能性があると指摘しています。
フォックスコンのリウ・ヨンウェイ会長は今月、台北で開かれた投資家向けカンファレンスでこう話しています。中国と米国の間で緊張が高まったとき、世界は2つのグループに分かれました、彼の会社が "2つの市場にサービスを提供するためにサプライチェーンの2つのセットを提供する "ことに取り組んでいると彼は述べています。
「ペガトロンは、生産ラインを中国からメキシコに移したいと考えていることも理解している 」と、同事務所のアルマンド・チェン局長はロイターの取材に語ってます。同局長は、どちらの会社の計画についても追加情報はないと述べています。
和碩聯合科技(ペガトロン)は 2007 年に台湾の電子機器メーカーである ASUS(エイスース)の製造部門から独立して設立されました。
和碩聯合科技(ペガトロン)は自社ブランドは持たず、あくまでもOEMとしての会社であり、売り上げの半分以上をアップル社の iPhone の受注獲得から得ているとされます(2017年現在)。
この依存度の高さが良いか悪いかは別として iPhone の受注獲得成功によって、台湾の最大のOEM大手である鴻海精密工業を追随していることには間違いありません。
Asian Companies Consider Factories in Mexico as China Risks Grow
The trade war between the United States and China and the coronavirus crisis have led companies to reexamine worldwide supply chains.
Taiwan-based electronics manufacturers Foxconn and Pegatron are among companies reportedly looking into new factories in Mexico. The information comes from people with direct knowledge of the situation. They spoke with Reuters news agency on condition that their names not be used.
Such plans could bring in billions of dollars in much-needed investments over the next few years for Mexico, Latin America’s second-largest economy. The country is heading toward its worst recession since the 1930s Great Depression.
Foxconn and Pegatron are contractors for several phone manufacturers, including Apple. It was not immediately clear which companies they would work with in Mexico.
Foxconn is likely to make a final decision on a new factory later this year, and work will begin after that, the two sources said. They noted that the plan could change, however.
Pegatron is also in early discussions with lenders about an additional factory in Mexico. The factory would be used mainly to put together electronic parts including chips, the sources said. Pegatron did not comment.
Foxconn has five factories in Mexico that mainly make televisions and servers. Its possible expansion would represent a larger move of worldwide supply chains away from China.
The plans come as U.S. government support for “near-shoring” grows. Near-shoring means to move manufacturing of products closer to the country where the products are sold. The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump is exploring ways to urge companies to move factories from Asia to the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean.
Taipei-based Foxconn said in a statement that while it continued to expand worldwide operations and is an “active investor” in Mexico, it had no current plans to increase those investments.
Last month, Reuters reported Foxconn planned to invest up to $1 billion to expand a factory in India where it makes Apple iPhones.
Foxconn chairman, Liu Young-way, spoke at an investor conference in Taipei this month. He said that the world was split into two groups when tensions rose between China and the U.S. He said his company was working on “providing two sets of supply chain to service the two markets.”
“The world factory no longer exists,” he said, adding that Foxconn now makes about 30 percent of its products outside China. That percentage could increase, he said.
The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Mexico, which represents Taiwan’s government in the country, said it had heard Foxconn was interested in building another factory in Ciudad Juarez, in the northern border state of Chihuahua.
“Pegatron, I also understand, wants to move a production line from China to Mexico,” the office’s Director General Armando Cheng told Reuters. He said he did not have additional information about either company’s plans.
Words in This Story
supply chain - n. a network between a company and its suppliers to produce and spread a product or service