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carbon dioxide (二酸化炭素

brackish  (汽水:海水と淡水が混ざった水)



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Study: New Method Could Turn Mars Water into Oxygen

December 13, 2020










研究チームは、最近 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 誌に発表された研究で、このプロセスを説明しました。









FILE: Formations made by water and sediment are seen in the Jezero Crater on Mars, a possible landing site for the Mars 2020 Rover, in this false color image taken by NASA, published May 15, 2019 and obtained November 15, 2019. NASA/JPL-Caltech/Handout

 FILE. 火星2020ローバーの着陸地点の可能性がある火星のジェゼロ・クレーターに、水や土砂でできた地層が見られます。NASA が撮影したこの偽色画像2019年5月15日公開、2019年11月15日入手 NASA/JPL-Caltech/Handout




アメリカの宇宙機NASAは、火星で酸素を製造する技術の実験も行っています。これを行うために設計された装置の一つが、NASAの Perseveranceパーセベランスミッションの一環としてテストされることになっています。Perseveranceは、新しい探査機、ローバーで現在火星に向かっています。








工学チームは、この方法は地球上での貴重な利用法を見つけることもできると述べています。 「火星の過酷な条件でこの電解槽を実証したので、地球上ではもっとマイルドな条件でも展開したいと考えています」と、プラレイ・ゲイエン氏は言います。同氏はワシントン大学のpostdoctoral researcher ポスドク研究員で、この研究の主執筆者でもあります。

※postdoctoral researcher :博士号 ( ドクター ) 取得 後に 任期制 の 職 に就いて いる 研究者


ゲイエン氏 は、デバイスは、おそらく "海水電気分解 "を介して汽水または塩水を酸素と水素に変換するために使用される可能性があると述べています。





Study: New Method Could Turn Mars Water into Oxygen

This illustration shows Jezero Crater — the landing site of the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover — as it may have looked billions of years go on Mars, when it was a lake. An inlet and outlet are also visible on either side of the lake. (Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)


American researchers say they have invented a method that could use salty water on Mars to produce oxygen and fuel.

Oxygen and fuel would both be important elements to support future human exploration activities on the Red Planet.

Engineers at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, developed the new method. The method operates with electrolysis, a process that passes an electrical current through liquid, such as water.

The machine the researchers created is called an electrolyzer. The researchers say it can separate salty water into oxygen and hydrogen gases. Oxygen would be needed for humans to breathe and hydrogen could be used to fuel spacecrafts and equipment.



The team described the process in a study recently published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Scientists have already collected solid evidence suggesting that Mars once had huge amounts of water and that the planet likely holds a large supply today. But Mars is extremely cold. So, most of the water is thought to exist in the form of ice.

The research team notes that any water that is not frozen is almost surely full of salt from the Martian soil. The usual electrolysis methods for breaking water down into oxygen require the salt to be removed first. This process can be complex, costly and harmful to the environment, the researchers say.

They said the new method they invented can take salty water directly and convert it into oxygen and hydrogen.

The team carried out experiments with high levels of magnesium salts, which scientists believe likely exist on Mars. The researchers also carried out the tests at temperatures similar to the Red Planet’s atmosphere.

FILE: Formations made by water and sediment are seen in the Jezero Crater on Mars, a possible landing site for the Mars 2020 Rover, in this false color image taken by NASA, published May 15, 2019 and obtained November 15, 2019. NASA/JPL-Caltech/Handout
FILE: Formations made by water and sediment are seen in the Jezero Crater on Mars, a possible landing site for the Mars 2020 Rover, in this false color image taken by NASA, published May 15, 2019 and obtained November 15, 2019. NASA/JPL-Caltech/Handout


In a news release, the engineers suggested that the system would be highly valuable during planned exploration activities on Mars. “In order to live - even temporarily - on Mars, not to mention to return to Earth, astronauts will need to manufacture some of the necessities, including water and fuel, on the Red Planet.”

The U.S. space agency NASA has also experimented with technology to produce oxygen on Mars. One device designed to do this will be tested as part of NASA’s Perseverance mission. Perseverance is a new explorer vehicle, or rover, that is currently on its way to Mars.

The NASA device is designed to convert carbon dioxide from the Mars atmosphere into oxygen. The process uses a high-temperature electrolysis method. NASA scientists have tested the system by recreating the Mars atmosphere in experiments on Earth.

The lead researcher on the new project is Vijay Ramani, a professor of chemical engineering at Washington University. He said the system his team developed could produce 25 times more oxygen than the NASA method, while using the same amount of power. It can also produce hydrogen fuel, which the NASA device cannot.



The engineering team said its method could even find valuable uses on Earth. “Having demonstrated these electrolyzers under demanding Martian conditions, we intend to also deploy them under much milder conditions on Earth,” said Pralay Gayen. He is a postdoctoral researcher at Washington University and a lead writer of the study.

Gayen said the device could possibly be used to convert brackish or salt water into oxygen and hydrogen through “seawater electrolysis.”

Once such use could be in defense industries, he added. The method could create oxygen on demand for submarines. It may also be able to provide oxygen to researchers exploring new environments in the deep sea.




Words in This Story


convert – v. to change the appearance or purpose of something

mention – v. to speak about something quickly, with little detail or using few words

mission – n. an important task, usually involving travel somewhere

brackish – adj. water that can be slightly salty, dirty and unpleasant




See comments 世界の仲間からコメントを見てみましょう


Oldman 12/17/2020 12/17/2020 8:48 PM

The exploration of Mars, probably, will be proved useful in future. Until then, we have to keep the balance in our Planet.
Definitely, the text proves to be very useful, for my English
promotion. Thank you V.O.A.



Mike 12/15/2020 8:56 PM

This is important advance, because it is possible to mine space rocks for water. Now assuming you can move the water from the rock to the planet. You could pipe the water into one of the craters. You could then use this technique to breath oxygen and generate more pee. Which can be recycled back to water using current NASA technology. Now we just need to start plumbing the entire planet and build a couple of space tubes, like space elevators. The MARS Terriforming Project Step 03, is nearly on paper. Now back to step one, can we land an earth mouse safety on MARS with a web camera on his collar?

これは重要な進歩で、水のために宇宙の岩を採掘することが可能です。岩から惑星に水を移動させることができると仮定すると 水をクレーターの一つに パイプで入れることができます 。そして、この技術を使って酸素を吸ったり、オシッコを生成したりすることができます。NASAの技術を使えば 水にリサイクルできるたあとは、地球全体の配管工事を始めて、宇宙エレベーターのようなスペースチューブをいくつか作るだけです。"MARS Terriforming Project Step 03" は紙上にあります。 さて、ステップ1に戻って。首輪にウェブカメラをつけた地球のマウスをMARSに着陸させることができるでしょうか?


John 12/15/2020 2:03 PM

how electrolysis is a new method!?


    12/16/2020 3:35 PM Moderator

    Please read this part of the story:
    The usual electrolysis methods for breaking water down into oxygen require the salt to be removed first. This process can be complex, costly and harmful to the environment, the researchers say.

    They said the new method they invented can take salty water directly and convert it into oxygen and hydrogen.

    この記事のこの部分をお読みください。The usual electrolysis methods for breaking water down into oxygen require the salt to be removed first. This process can be complex, costly and harmful to the environment, the researchers say.




