







Emotional Night at Oscars for Best Actor Winner Will Smith

March 28, 2022





スミス氏は "リチャード王 "の演技でアカデミー賞の最優秀男優賞を獲得したのです。




会場にいた人々、そして世界中のテレビ視聴者は --ハリウッド最大の夜に有名なパフォーマー2人が争ったのを見てショックを受けました。




ロック氏は、「ジェイダ、愛してるよ。G.I.ジェーン2、早く見たいよ 」と言ったのです。ピンケット・スミス氏がG.I.ジェーン2作目の出演を控えているように見えたという意味です。1997年の作品は、軍隊に入隊した女性が長い髪を切ってしまうという内容でした。


スミス氏はロック氏の顔を殴った後、自分の席に戻っていきました。そして、ロック氏に "妻の名前を(空白の)口に出すな "と怒鳴ったのです。彼の怒鳴り声には、悪口も含まれていました。








Will Smith cries as he accepts the award for best performance by an actor in a leading role for "King Richard" at the Oscars on Sunday, March 27, 2022, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)
Will Smith cries as he accepts the award for best performance by an actor in a leading role for "King Richard" at the Oscars on Sunday, March 27, 2022, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)
2022年3月27日(日)、ロサンゼルスのドルビー・シアターで開催されたアカデミー賞で、「リチャード王」の主演男優賞を受賞し、涙を流すウィル・スミス。(AP写真/Chris Pizzello)


”キング・リチャード”でスミス氏は、アメリカのテニスプレーヤー、ヴィーナス・ウィリアムズ氏とセリーナ・ウィリアムズ氏の父親であるリチャード・ウィリアムズ氏を演じました。スミス氏はスピーチで、自分もウィリアムズ氏と同じように、"家族を守る激しい人間です "と語っています。それは、妻を侮辱から守ろうとしたことだと説明しました。


スミス氏は、有名人は通常、"虐待を受け......笑顔で、それが大丈夫であるかのように装う "必要があると付け加えました。


スミス氏は、アカデミー賞の主催者に謝罪したが、ロック氏に直接謝罪はしませんでした。後に彼は、デンゼル・ワシントンに言われたといいます。「最高の瞬間に、悪魔がやってくるから気をつけろ 」と。


アカデミー賞を運営しているのは映画芸術科学アカデミーという組織です。同団体は、"いかなる形の暴力にも反対する "と述べています。




この事態は、スミス氏の主演男優賞受賞や "CODA "の歴史的勝利の話を超えて、その夜最大の話題となりました。この作品は、ストリーミング・メディア・サービスの作品として、初めて作品賞を受賞したのです。また、聴覚障害者が多く出演する作品としても初の作品賞受賞となりました。




Emotional Night at Oscars for Best Actor Winner Will Smith
Will Smith, right, hits presenter Chris Rock on stage while presenting the award for best documentary feature at the Oscars on Sunday, March 27, 2022, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)

It was an unforgettable Oscar night on Sunday in Los Angeles for actor Will Smith.

Smith won the Academy Award for best actor for his performance in “King Richard.”

Only a few minutes earlier, Smith had walked up to the stage and hit presenter Chris Rock in the face with his open hand. Smith reacted after Rock made a joke about Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith.

People in the audience – and television viewers around the world -- were shocked to see the dispute between two well-known performers on Hollywood’s biggest night.

Rock’s joke related to Pinkett Smith’s hairless head. Pinkett Smith has a medical condition that affects hair growth.

Rock said, “Jada, I love you. G.I. Jane 2, can’t wait to see it.” He meant that Pinkett Smith looked like she was preparing to star in the second G.I. Jane film. The 1997 film was about a woman who enters the military and cuts off her long hair.

After Smith hit Rock’s face, he walked back to his seat. He then shouted at Rock to “keep my wife’s name out your (blank) mouth.” His yelling included a bad word.

In the United States, television viewers did not hear the sound during the dispute. The broadcaster had turned off the sound because of bad language. Viewers in other parts of the world heard the full exchange.

The television broadcast went to an advertisement. Actors Daniel Kaluyya, Denzel Washington and Tyler Perry talked with Smith and calmed the situation.

Not long after, Smith came back to the stage to accept his first Oscar for best actor. He used his acceptance speech to apologize for his earlier actions.

Will Smith cries as he accepts the award for best performance by an actor in a leading role for "King Richard" at the Oscars on Sunday, March 27, 2022, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)
Will Smith cries as he accepts the award for best performance by an actor in a leading role for "King Richard" at the Oscars on Sunday, March 27, 2022, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)

In “King Richard,” Smith played Richard Williams, the father of American tennis players Venus and Serena Williams. Smith said in his speech that he, like Williams, “was a fierce defender of his family.” He explained that was trying to protect his wife from insult.

Smith added that famous people usually have to “take abuse … smile and pretend like that’s okay.”

Smith apologized to the organizers of the Oscars, but he did not apologize directly to Rock. He later said that Denzel Washington told him: “At your highest moment, be careful, because that’s when the devil comes for you.”

The organization that runs the Oscars is the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. The group said it was against “violence of any form.”

Rock did not comment on the incident. Later, the Los Angeles Police Department said Rock had no plans to take legal action against Smith.

The situation became the biggest story of the night, rising past the story of Smith’s best actor award and the historic win for “CODA.” It became the first film from a streaming media service to win best picture. It also became the first film with a largely deaf cast to win best picture.

See more about the Oscars from VOA’s live blog.





Words in This Story

audience –n. the group of people gathered to watch an event

insult – n. to do or say something that is offensive to someone

pretend – v. to act as if something is true when it is not true

devil – n. the most powerful evil spirit in the religion of Christianity, Islam and Judaism who is often shown as the ruler of hell