







Oscar-nominated Actor Only Has One Spoken Line



CODAはChild Of Deaf Adults(聴こえない・聴こえにくい親をもつ、聴こえる子ども)の略です。この映画は、エミリア・ジョーンズさんが、ろう者一家の唯一の健聴者(エミー役)を演じています。娘であるジョーンズさんに、歌や大学進学の夢を追いかけるよう促し、コッツアーは言うのです: "Go!"と。






Apple TV+で公開されたCODAは、作品賞にノミネートされています。この映画はコッツァー氏を有名にし、聴覚障害者のコミュニティにとって歴史的な作品になりました。コッツアー氏は、ろう者俳優として初めて映画俳優組合賞に単独でノミネートされました。また、BAFTAにもノミネートされました。


 ※BAFTA:British Academy of Film and Television Arts/英国アカデミー賞 



「笑顔で幸せに死ねる気がします。 」とコッツアー氏は語っています。


コッツァー氏のアカデミー賞への道は、学生時代から始まります。子供の頃、コッツアー氏はTom and Jerryトムとジェリーなどのアニメが大好きでした。耳の不自由なクラスメートのために、スクールバスの中でその物語を演じて聞かせたといいます。その後、ワシントンD.C.にあるろう者のための大学、ギャローデット大学で演技を学び、国立ろう者劇場で公演を行いました。


テレビや映画では、ろう者の役がほとんどなかったため、コッツアー氏は舞台俳優としての仕事を見つけました。1994年のOf Mice and Menを皮切りに、デフ・ウエストの約20の作品に出演しています。Deaf West(Deaf West Theater・目次より添付項目参照)デフ・ウェストはロサンゼルスの非営利の劇団です。





This image released by Apple TV+ shows Troy Kotsur, left, and Marlee Matlin in a scene from "CODA." (Apple TV+ via AP)
This image released by Apple TV+ shows Troy Kotsur, left, and Marlee Matlin in a scene from "CODA." (Apple TV+ via AP)
Apple TV+が公開した画像。"CODA "のワンシーンに登場するトロイ・コッツア(左)とマーリー・マトリン。(Apple TV+ via AP)











「フランク と縁を切るのに約半年かかりました。」と彼は言います。


コッツアー氏はその後、Disney+のシリーズ "The Mandalorian" に出演しています。


DJ Kursは、Deaf Westのディレクターです。コッツアー氏は "偉大な人物の一人 "であると彼は言います。


「私たちは、世界が認めてくれるのをずっと待っていました。私たちの願い… それは、これからのろう者俳優が、このレベルで認められるのに、そんなに長く待つ必要はないだろうというです。」






Oscar-nominated Actor Only Has One Spoken Line
Troy Kotsur, nominated for an Oscar for best supporting actor for his role in the film "CODA," poses for a photo at Red Rock Park in Mesa, Ariz., on Jan. 28, 2022. (AP Photo/Matt York)


Troy Kotsur is the second deaf actor to be nominated for an Academy Award. In his Oscar-nominated performance in CODA, Kotsur spoke just one word.

CODA stands for Child Of Deaf Adults. The movie stars Emilia Jones as the only hearing member of a deaf family. Urging Jones, his daughter, to go after her dreams of singing and attending college, Kotsur says: “Go!”

For Kotsur, that one word meant lots of rehearsal. It also meant speaking dialogue he himself could not hear.

“I hope that young people who happen to be deaf or hard of hearing can get an increased confidence,” Kotsur said. “I want those kids to not feel limited.”

The Apple TV+ release CODA, is nominated for Best Picture. The movie has made Kotsur famous and made history for the deaf community. Kotsur is the first deaf actor ever nominated individually for a Screen Actors Guild award. He was also nominated for a BAFTA.

“I feel like I can die happy, with a smile on my face,” Kotsur said.

Kotsur’s road to the Oscars began in school. As a child, Kotsur loved cartoons like Tom and Jerry. He would act out the stories for his deaf classmates on the school bus. He later studied acting at Gallaudet University, a university for the deaf in Washington, D.C. He later performed with the National Theatre of the Deaf.

With few roles in television and film available for deaf actors, Kotsur found work in stage acting. Beginning with Of Mice and Men in 1994, Kotsur has acted in some 20 productions by Deaf West. Deaf West is a nonprofit theater company in Los Angeles.

On stage, Kotsur is a very physical actor. “It’s really important for me on stage to show emotion through sign language,” Kotsur said. “Sometimes, sign language can be more three-dimensional and meaningful than spoken dialogue.”

This image released by Apple TV+ shows Troy Kotsur, left, and Marlee Matlin in a scene from "CODA." (Apple TV+ via AP)
This image released by Apple TV+ shows Troy Kotsur, left, and Marlee Matlin in a scene from "CODA." (Apple TV+ via AP)

Kotsur has long been used to seeing simple, if not victimized, deaf characters. But the deaf characters of CODA are presented differently. The Rossi family in the movie are a family like any other.

Kotsur wants viewers to change their wrong ideas about what deaf people are like. “There are deaf doctors. There are deaf lawyers. There are deaf firemen. A lot of hearing people are oblivious to that,” he said.

Perhaps Kotsur’s most emotional scene is shared with his daughter, Ruby. Unable to hear Ruby’s singing, he listens to her sing by feeling the vibrations of her neck. The scene has connections to Kotsur’s own life. His daughter is also the child of deaf adults who plays music.

“When my daughter is playing music … I’ll walk up and I’ll touch the body of the acoustic guitar and I can feel the vibrations of the guitar,” Kotsur said.

The first time Kotsur read the script for CODA, he took it as a warning sign. He, like his character, is not ready for his daughter to leave home. It is these personal connections that have made it hard for the actor to separate from the character Frank.

“It took me about half a year to disconnect from Frank,” he said.

Kotsur has since gone on to appear in the Disney+ series “The Mandalorian.”

DJ Kurs is the director of Deaf West. He said Kotsur “is one of the greats.”

“We’ve been waiting for the world to recognize it for some time now and it is our hope that … future deaf actors will not have to wait so long to be recognized on this level.”




Words in This Story

rehearsal — n. an event at which a person or group practices an activity

dialogue — n. the things that are said by the characters in a story, movie, play, etc.

role — n. the character played by an actor

dimension — n. the amount or number of things that something affects or influences

oblivious — adj. not conscious or aware of someone or something

vibration — n. a continuous slight shaking movement

acoustic — adj. not having its sound changed by electrical devices















Committed to innovation, collaboration, training, and activism, Deaf West is the artistic bridge between the Deaf and hearing worlds. Founded in Los Angeles in 1991, Deaf West engages artists and audiences in unparalleled theater and media experiences inspired by Deaf culture and the expressive power of sign language, weaving ASL with spoken English to create a seamless ballet of movement and voice.

