










Technology Company Launches Airship Over New Mexico

June 17,2022 





飛行船は火曜日に打ち上げられました。このテストは、この船が地球のthe stratosphere成層圏に到達し、そこに長期間とどまることができるかどうかを確認するためのものでした。成層圏とは、地球の大気の上層部のこと。地表から約11キロメートルの高さから始まり、約50キロメートルの高さで終わります。











ヴェステルゴー・フランセン氏は、このテストに満足していると述べています。報道発表では、彼は、この船は "成層圏での発見に並外れた可能性を持っている "と述べています。












デビッド・キム氏は、Sceye社の最高技術責任者です。彼は、今回のテストの成功を "マイルストーン・モーメント (歴史における重大な出来事)"と呼んでいます。







Technology Company Launches Airship Over New Mexico
Sceye's stratospheric platform getting ready for launch (Photo credit: Sceye)

A technology company successfully test-launched one of its airships high above the New Mexico desert this week. The company, Sceye, hopes its airship will one day be able to improve internet connectivity and collect data on everything from industrial pollution to wildlife threats.

The airship launched on Tuesday. The test was meant to see whether the ship could reach the Earth’s stratosphere and stay there for a long period of time. The stratosphere is the upper layer of the Earth’s atmosphere. It begins around 11 kilometers above the Earth’s surface and ends about 50 kilometers above the Earth’s surface.

On Wednesday morningSceye announced the test was a success. The result means the company is closer to being able to reproduce and sell its airship technology.

The head of Sceye is Danish businessman Mikkel Vestergaard Frandsen. He started Sceye after the U.S. space agency, NASA, asked technology companies to think about ways to build an airship that could rise into the Earth’s stratosphere and stay there for longer than eight hours. At the time of NASA’s suggestion, no airship could remain in the stratosphere for longer than eight hours.

The researchers at NASA and the Jet Propulsion Lab in California said a ship that could stay in the stratosphere for a long period of time could provide important data for scientists.

Vestergaard Frandsen said he was pleased with the test. In a news release, he said the ship “holds extraordinary potential for stratospheric discovery.”

He said he believes the company’s airships will be able to gather data on methane pollution, help get internet to parts of the world without it and look for wildfire threats.

He said he hopes the company’s airships will be available for purchase in the next 18 to 24 months. It takes the company about eight months to build each ship.

Sceye’s airship is made from special material that reflects the sun. It runs on solar panels and lithium-sulfur batteries. The ship is designed to carry heavy equipment.

The airship is filled with helium gas and does not have a crew. The ships can also carry heavy equipment.

Sceye is based in Roswell, New Mexico. One of the company’s investors is New Mexico’s Economic Development Department. Sceye is also working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and New Mexico’s government to study air pollution and climate change.

David Kim is Sceye’s chief technology officer. He called the successful test a “milestone moment.”



Words in This Story

potential– adj. capable of becoming real

reflect – v. usually related to light hitting a surface and bouncing off and moving in another direction

solar panel – n. a large, flat, piece of equipment that uses the sun’s light to create electricity