


わからないことには投資しない、を鉄則としている身ですが(臆病なだけ)”Cryptocurrency” には未知の魅力を感じていました。しかしこの報告書でブロックチェーン脆弱性が明らかになったようです!!












US Agency Raises Questions about Cryptocurrency’s Decentralized System

June 23,2022













DARPAの報告書は、「ブロックチェーンは分散型か?」というものです。これは、米国に拠点を置くコンピュータ・セキュリティ・リサーチ会社Trail of Bitsの協力のもと、過去1年間に渡って完成されたものです。


この研究は、最も人気のある2つの暗号通貨、bitcoin and ethereumビットコインイーサリアムブロックチェーンに焦点を当てたものです。研究者は、これらのシステムにおける現在の分散化のレベルを調べ、考えられるセキュリティリスクを検討しました。




Trail of Bitsは声明の中で、ブロックチェーンプロセスに関わる一部の人々が、"システム全体に対する不当な中央集権的支配 "を得る可能性があることが調査で分かったと述べています。このようなコントロールは、ブロックチェーンのネットワーク化プロセスに関連する現在のルールの”特性を覆す”場合に起こり得ます。





さらに、暗号通貨活動で使用される暗号化システムは一般的に安全だと考えられていますが、"安全性を保証するものではない "と述べています。encrypt暗号化とは、セキュリティを向上させ、攻撃を防ぐために、情報をある形から別の形に変えることを意味する言葉です。


具体的には、Trail of Bitsは、ビットコインを含むブロックチェーントラフィックは暗号化されないと述べています。これは、"ネットワークルート上のあらゆる第三者が......観察し、好きなメッセージを落とすことを選択できる "ことを意味します。第三者の例としては、インターネットサービスプロバイダ、またはISPWi-Fiアクセスポイントのオペレータ、または政府などがあると研究者は述べています。


DARPAによると、今回の調査で発見されたもう一つの問題は、全ビットコイントラフィックの60%が、たった3つのISPを経由して移動していることだったとしています。また、同機関は、ビットコインのコンピューターの21%が、2021年6月に”セキュリティの脆弱性”があることが知られていた古いバージョンのBitcoin Coreソフトウェアを実行していたことが見つかりました。











先週、最大の暗号取引所の1つであるCoinbaseの最高経営責任者は、同社が従業員の約18%を手放すと発表しました。ブライアン・アームストロング氏はまた、より広い不況が業界の問題をさらに悪化させる可能性があると警告しました。「不況は、別の暗号の冬につながる可能性があり、長期にわたって続く可能性があります 。」と彼は言っています。








US Agency Raises Questions about Cryptocurrency’s Decentralized System

In this file photo, an advertisement for Bitcoin cryptocurrency is displayed on a street in Hong Kong on Feb. 17, 2022. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung, File)

A report by a U.S. government research agency raises questions about the decentralized system of cryptocurrency technology.

The report comes as major cryptocurrencies suffer large drops in value and several companies supporting the technology experience business difficulties.

A cryptocurrency is a digital form of money that is not overseen by governments or banks. A network of computers records cryptocurrency activity between users. This activity is included in a “ledger,” or list, known as the blockchain.

Because the blockchain involves a network of computers across the world, the system is considered decentralized. The blockchain was designed this way with the goal of preventing a single person or group from controlling the system.

The new report on blockchain technology was recently published by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA. The agency seeks to carry out research and development activities for the Department of Defense.

The DARPA report was called “Are Blockchains Decentralized?” It was completed over the past year in cooperation with the U.S.-based computer security and research company Trail of Bits.

The study centered on blockchains for the two most popular cryptocurrencies, bitcoin and ethereum. The researchers looked at the current level of decentralization with those systems and examined possible security risks.

The report suggests these blockchain systems can be subject to “unintended centralities” that could result in security issues for cryptocurrency investors.

Trail of Bits said in a statement the research found that some people involved in the blockchain process can gain “undue, centralized control over the entire system.” Such control can happen when individuals “subvert the properties” of current rules related to the blockchain’s networking process.

More security risks

In addition, the company said that while the encryption system used in cryptocurrency activities is generally considered secure, “it does not guarantee security.” The term encrypt means to change information from one form to another in an effort to improve security and prevent attacks.

Specifically, Trail of Bits said blockchain traffic involving bitcoin is unencrypted. This means that “any third party on the network route … can observe and choose to drop any messages they wish.” Examples of third parties include internet service providers, or ISPs, Wi-Fi access point operators or governments, the researchers said.

DARPA said another issue discovered in the research was that 60 percent of all bitcoin traffic moves through just three ISPs. The agency also found that 21 percent of bitcoin computers were running an old version of the Bitcoin Core software that was known to have “security vulnerabilities” in June of 2021.

The report also found that the number of parties needed “to disrupt a blockchain” is quite low – four for bitcoin and two for ethereum.

The researchers said the risks identified in the report “have been poorly described and are often ignored -- or even mocked -- by those seeking to cash in” on the cryptocurrency business.

Sinking value

The new report comes as bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies struggle to hold their value. Currently, bitcoin is valued at around $20,000. It has lost more than 72 percent of its value since reaching a high of $68,991 on November 10, 2021.

Last week, the chief executive of one of the largest crypto exchanges, Coinbase, announced the company would be letting go about 18 percent of its employees. Brian Armstrong also warned that a wider recession could make the industry’s problems even worse. “A recession could lead to another crypto winter, and could last for an extended period,” he said.




Words in This Story

unintended – adj. not wanted or planned

undue – adj. to a level that is more than is necessary, acceptable or reasonable

subvert – v. to try to destroy something, especially an established political system

route – n. a particular way or direction between places

access – n. the right or chance to use or look at something

vulnerability – n. ways that something can be easily hurt, influenced or attacked

disrupt – v. to interfere with something and stop it from continuing as it should

mock – v. to laugh at or make fun of someone

cash in – v. to make money from a situation