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5G Delayed Near US Airports after Warning from Airlines

January 18, 2022





同国の複数の大手航空会社が、空港付近での5Gサービスの展開は "破滅的 "になりかねないと警告したことを受けての措置です。


月曜日に連邦政府当局に宛てた書簡で、アメリカン、デルタ、ユナイテッド、サウスウエストなど航空会社10社のトップは、5Gは当初考えていたよりも破壊的なものになると述べています。彼らは、”1,100便以上、10万人の乗客”が毎日、キャンセルや遅延の影響を受ける可能性があると書いています。彼らは、"国の商業が停止してしまう "と述べています。






全米最大の無線会社であるベライゾンは、5Gサービスを開始すると述べました。しかし同社は、"空港周辺の5Gネットワークを制限することを自主的に決定した "と付け加えました。






Robert Bryan, chief pilot at Eagle Aviation, points to a displayed altimeter reading while discussing the effect that new 5G wireless services can have on sensitive airplane electronics.
Robert Bryan, chief pilot at Eagle Aviation, points to a displayed altimeter reading while discussing the effect that new 5G wireless services can have on sensitive airplane electronics.
Eagle Aviationのチーフパイロット、ロバート・ブライアンは、新しい5Gワイヤレスサービスが敏感な飛行機の電子機器に与える影響について議論しながら、表示された高度計の数値を指差しています。











CTIAは、米国の無線通信業界団体です。連邦通信委員会への提出書類で、「現在、ヨーロッパとアジアの約40カ国の無線通信事業者が5G用にCバンドを使用しており、同じ国際的に指定された4.2~4.4GHz帯で運用する無線高度計への影響は報告されていない 」と述べています。




FAAは、水曜日までにさらに多くの承認を出す見込みです。そして同庁は、"航空業界や無線会社と協力し、5G関連のフライトの遅延やキャンセルを抑える努力を続けている "と付け加えています。






欧州連合航空安全局(EASA)は12月17日、この問題は米国の空域に特有のものであると発表しました。同庁はさらに、「現段階では、欧州で安全でない干渉のリスクは確認されていません。 」と述べています。







5G Delayed Near US Airports after Warning from Airlines
FILE - A Southwest Airlines plane approaches to land at San Diego International Airport. Wireless companies in the U.S. said they would delay the start of high-speed 5G service near some airports after warnings from airlines of possible disruptions. (REUTERS/Mike Blake/File)

The two largest wireless companies in the United States said Tuesday they would delay the start of high-speed 5G mobile service near some airports.

The move came after several major airlines in the country warned that deploying 5G service near the airports could be “catastrophic.”

In a letter to federal officials on Monday, the heads of 10 airlines including American, Delta, United, and Southwest said 5G will be more disruptive than they originally thought. They wrote that “more than 1,100 flights and 100,000 passengers” could be affected daily with cancellations and delays. They said, “the nation’s commerce will grind to a halt.”

The airlines asked that 5G could be deployed everywhere in the country except within “3.2 km of airport runways" at some important airports.

On Tuesday, AT&T, one of the largest wireless providers in the U.S., said it would “temporarily” delay turning on 5G transmitters at some airports. The company said it would work with the federal government to settle the dispute.

The nation’s largest wireless company, Verizon, said it will launch its 5G service. But the company added, “we have voluntarily decided to limit our 5G network around airports.”

Two weeks ago, the wireless companies had also agreed to reduce the power of 5G transmitters near 50 airports in the U.S. for six months.

AT&T and Verizon were planning to start their 5G service Wednesday. The start of the high-speed service has been delayed two times since early December.

Robert Bryan, chief pilot at Eagle Aviation, points to a displayed altimeter reading while discussing the effect that new 5G wireless services can have on sensitive airplane electronics.
Robert Bryan, chief pilot at Eagle Aviation, points to a displayed altimeter reading while discussing the effect that new 5G wireless services can have on sensitive airplane electronics.

Airliners say the C band is too close

The new 5G network promises faster internet speeds and larger network capacity. 5G, which stands for fifth-generation, is about 10 times faster than the existing 4G network.

The 5G network runs on a radio spectrum known as the C band which airline companies say could interfere with the operation of some altimeters. An altimeter sends radio waves from an airplane to the ground to measure how far above the ground an airplane is traveling. Pilots use it to help with landing planes and identifying dangerous changes in wind speed and direction known as wind shear.

Wireless companies say 5G is safe

Verizon and AT&T have argued that 5G has been deployed in about 40 other countries without interference issues.

CTIA is a U.S. wireless trade group. It said in a filing with the Federal Communications Commission, "Wireless carriers in nearly 40 countries throughout Europe and Asia now use the C band for 5G, with no reported effects on radio altimeters that operate in the same internationally designated 4.2-4.4 GHz band."

The Federal Aviation Administration, or FAA, oversees airline safety in the U.S. The agency said on Sunday it had cleared an estimated 45 percent of the U.S. commercial airplanes to perform low-visibility landings at many airports where 5G will be deployed. The airlines, however, noted on Monday that the list did not include many large airports.

The FAA expects to issue more approvals before Wednesday. And the agency added it “continues to work with the aviation industry and wireless companies to try to limit 5G-related flight delays and cancellations."

FILE - Workers install Verizon's 5G telecommunications equipment on a tower in Orem, Utah, U.S. December 3, 2019. (REUTERS/George Frey)
FILE - Workers install Verizon's 5G telecommunications equipment on a tower in Orem, Utah, U.S. December 3, 2019. (REUTERS/George Frey)

Why is 5G not an issue in other countries?

In Europe, 5G network operates in a 3.4 to 3.8 GHz range. That spectrum is slightly lower than the range set to be deployed in the U.S.

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) said on Dec. 17 the issue was specific to U.S. airspace. The agency added, "At this stage, no risk of unsafe interference has been identified in Europe.”

In South Korea, the 5G mobile communication range is from 3.42 to 3.7 GHz. There has been no report of interference with radio waves since the start of the high-speed network in 2019.



Words in this Story


catastrophic – adj. related to a terrible disaster

disruptive – adj. interrupting normal activity

grind to a halt phrase, to stop working or moving forward

capacity – n. the amount of something that can be managed

spectrum – n. an entire range of radio waves

designate – v. to officially choose something

low-visibility – adj. condition with limited ability to see clearly

aviation – n. the business of flying

specific – adj. relating to a particular situation